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Everything posted by darkerthanblack

  1. Rutgers is full funding for both years. The first year full funding will cover out of state tuition and the second year funding will cover in-state tuition. Students should apply for New Jersey residency the first year granting them in-state tuition rates the second year making the total cost zero for the student. An option of paid teaching positions may help international students with the second year tuition.
  2. I would also like to advocate for pursuing a Fulbright. Personally I always go for what I want regardless of the concrete attachments. If there is a school that really interests you then you should apply. If they say yes, then negotiate funding. Usually the first offer can be negotiated upward. To add to your list of schools I would add Northwestern University, Yale, and University of Illinois at Chicago (UIC). They all offer great funding and are small programs. If you are interested in UIC pm me and I can give you more details.
  3. I would advocate for Bard. The great thing about their program is that they have artists visit from all over. You're not just networking with east coast, but with a very wide pool of accomplished artists, curators, and critics. If you stay in LA and continue working during the independent study portions of the year you will be able to continue contributing to the LA community. If I were to have been accepted, I was planning on staying in Chicago and renting a truck to transport sculptures to Bard each summer. Bard seems to be like an extended residency program which is very appealing to me personally. Also, with the TA opportunity not guaranteed I wouldn't even factor that into the equation.
  4. Thank you! My area is sculpture and photography.
  5. Long time anxious lurker... I was recently accepted to Rutgers via phone call. Just goes to show that it's not over until it's over. Looking forward to visiting the campus soon before I make my decision.
  6. I emailed the VCU Sculpture dept. and was told interview requests were recently mailed out. We should be receiving them shortly.
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