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Posts posted by ev108

  1. So it seems like we CAN travel? Maybe the stipulation is more like, we're not allowed to stay on on our long-stay visas without permission? I was told that basically, since the plane tickets expire a year from our flight out. So if I fly out to Taiwan on Sept 1 2015, I have until Aug 31 2016 to fly back. Since it's a 10 month grant, then supposedly if my grant term ends on June 30th, I could travel around Asia all I want to visit friends and family as long as I return to Taiwan to take my flight back to the US as ticketed. Anything beyond would be forfeited. I asked if I could go to other areas of Asia to visit family, and they didn't seem to think it was a problem. Although, also, Taiwan seems to have a thing where even though the grant period ends in 10 months, I am allowed to stay an extra month on my visa, as long as I pay my own expenses (no more grant money).


    Ah, this is good to know. So it looks like I might not have to pay my own flight back to the states after all. I'm planning on remaining in TW for the summer (even though it'll be bloody hot) and return around mid August.

  2. Weird -- I'm definitely getting confused. I told my contact that I was hoping to travel around Asia after my grant ended and if there was any flexibility on this (I have family in other areas of Asia) and he said it should be no problem and to clarify with the person making travel arrangements. So I'm waiting to hear back from her on what exactly the terms are on this. Will keep you all posted.


    As I mentioned before, I'm pretty sure the only restriction is you are not able to use Fulbright funding to pay for your return ticket if you stay beyond the 10 (or really 11th) month limit. That, plus you will probably need to make your own arrangements for visas, but if it's just a few months a tourist visa should be easy to come by wherever you would want to go.

  3. Finally got my grant letter and terms of conditions etc. for Taiwan research. Geez. So much info. I'm a little bummed that it seems like we can't stay abroad to travel after the length of the grant though. Anyone know if there are exceptions to this rule? Why is this the case?


    Got mine too. It's a lot to process!


    As far as I can tell, the limitations on what you do after the grant pertain mainly to your return flight. I'm not sure if the situation is different this year or with Taiwan, but a friend of mine did her Fulbright elsewhere in E. Asia a couple of years ago, and afterward traveled to other countries in the region to keep doing research for the rest of the summer. The only catch was she had to forfeit the ticket purchased with Fulbright funds and pay for her own plane ticket back from her final destination.

  4. It was about a week between getting my acceptance email from IIE and hearing from the commission in Indonesia. For some reason it also took a few extra days for the email to show up in my school email (I got it the day of in my personal email account), so it could be that due to the firewalls, etc. 


    If you're ultra worried, I would suggest emailing the program manager at IIE. :)



    haven't heard a thing!


    i'm wondering if there's any leeway to push off the start date but i dont want to ask until i know what the terms are...



    I was selected for an ETA in Thailand and we received and email about a week after the (P) email and they said it wouldn't be until June that we will receive the rest of the paperwork in the mail (Grant Auth, financial info, placement, orientation details). They said they now spend this time rereading our applications to work on placing us in schools. So it could be similar for Taiwan (or other countries). 


    Thanks for the advice everyone. I did indeed email the rep the other day with a few other questions, and haven't heard anything back yet. I imagine they might be busy with finalizing the ETA business for Taiwan! Perhaps they want to just wait until everyone has heard the initial update before continuing to send out information. Anyway, I'll update everyone if I do hear anything back from the regional representative.

  5. Have any of the Taiwan research ppl on here received add'l information about the terms and other stuff? It's kind of weird that it has taken so long, right? For others... does anyone have an idea of how long the gap tends to be between receiving your first email informing of your acceptance and receiving the more detailed paperwork? I thought the waiting game was over... now I'm starting to get anxious about how I'll be able to enroll at my host institution in time.

  6. Got the research fulbright! email at 15:26! omg this is surreal! shaking so bad. deep breathing! Ahhhhhhh!!!!!!

    Me too! Congratulations!!!!!! Email dated exact same time as yours, but I actually didn't receive it until after I had already read the most recent posts in this thread... as expected, I got totally nervous, shaking, etc... then opened my email.... duaannngg... there it was.


    I guess I'll be seeing you in TW then taiwantroubadour? BTW, never mentioned how much I like your "duang" avatar :D

  7. Congrats to everybody, and I'm also very glad to see that at least some notifications are going out.


    I have to admit though, every time I see taiwantroubadour post in this thread, my heart skips a beat, since we're applying to the same country...


    Part of my ever-more obsessive waiting game strategy has involved calculating the average number of days between the first round notifications and final acceptances... Taiwan is now a few days past the "average" of 80 days... how long are they going to make us wait...

  8. I created my own thread on this forum to ask a fulbright related question but no one has responded, so I'll ask it in this thread.  I was wondering who to go to for one of my references for the Fulbright-Hays fellowship.  Note that this is somewhat different from the normal Fulbright fellowship.  Is it important for the reference to know about your past research experience abroad, or is it more important for them to be able to speak to the merits of your current research project?  Apparently there is a form that they fill out and specific questions that they answer, so it's not just a standard reference letter that they write.  But I have not seen this form so I don't know what they're asked.


    I think I can answer this question--I will respond in your other thread.

  9. Hi all. I've been reading this thread obsessively for a few weeks now, decided to finally register an account + add info to spreadsheet. Research applicant to Taiwan here. Good luck everybody... I think (hope?) we'll hear something this week.......

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