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  • Application Season
    2015 Fall
  • Program
    Dalhousie BSW, St. Thomas BSW

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  1. Congratulations forbuss that's great! Did you find out via mail?
  2. I´m not in Halifax right now- I did my undergrad there. I hope you get in!! Should be just two more weeks of waiting, more or less. It´s strange that Dal makes their decisions so much later than everyone else.
  3. Magfish, I am also facing the prospect of a long-distance relationship (although he's only in halifax, not to far), so I can empathize with you on that one. It does make sense that they take a more macro-level, politicized approach, and that's the kind of stuff I'm more interested in. Have you accepted your offer at St Thomas? Also, forbuss, interesting insights into other schools! Is Dal the only school you applied to ?
  4. Wow that is such an in-depth response! Very interesting to see all the aspects you've considered. I'm wondering, what exactly do you mean by a structuralist social work program? Do you mean, the general belief that the struggles and difficulties of individuals is caused by an overarching system of oppression and injustice, and should not be attributed to the individuals themselves? Because from what I've understood looking into various programs is that most of them say that they take that approach. I've never been to Fredericton, so that's interesting to hear that some people say its a cool place to be! And, I agree about the relative affordability- I was totally shocked after seeing how much Lakehead costs! I feel like a lot of people see it as a major benefit that the program is shorter, but I try to view it as value for money- so, at St. Thomas you are getting more education and training for lower tuition. We are interested in a lot of the same courses at St. Thomas! I was also googling the faculty, and a few of them have interests/research that really appeal to me- check out Dr. Aamir Jamal's bio if you haven't already- http://w3.stu.ca/stu/academic/social_work/faculty/jamal/biography.aspx. It seems like he teaches community organizing/ policy courses. And small class sizes are definitely a big plus!
  5. Yeah, I am in the process of making a pro and con list between the two; St. Thomas seems like a unique program and I really like their politicized approach. But when I look at the course descriptions of the different schools they look really similar, so I'm not sure! Why is St. Thomas your first choice?
  6. Hi everyone! Happy to have found this discussion- I'm Rachael, and I've just been accepted to the post-degree BSW at St.Thomas. I'm also interested in Dalhousie, but haven't heard back from them yet. Magfish, I 've read your posts in the MSW forum, and I'm pretty sure we were in the same interview for St. Thomas- congratulations on getting in to the two schools! I also applied to Lakehead but was rejected.
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