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Posts posted by morneel

  1. I'm also declining a previously accepted offer, but I'm waiting on my better choice school for their official offer letter. And they seem to be taking forever.... I'm just insecure to decline my previous one without having the new offer letter on hand. 


    Anyone know till how late can I do this? Would it hurt anything if I decline super late like in late May?

    At a certain point I doubt a bit more time will make a difference.


    I've found myself in a position of needing to unaccept a couple offers, so I hope it's not too bad....

  2. I'm actually very interested in this topic and to find out how OP decides...

    I think I am in a similar position. One school, more highly ranked, is likely not going to have research in the subfield I applied for, but I still have this indescribable urge pulling me towards it (some irrational feeling that I will be happy there). The other school has a good research fit, but for other external factors I just have this aversion to going there. I also wonder how much of an effect having visited my first school and not my second has had.


    Keep us updated.

  3. Thank you. Yes, all schools but A are for PhD.


    You may ask the profs who work on your subfield to be co-supervisors if you are willing to continue in the same subfield.


    I feel awkward about it given that I have already talked to both and both have said they are not taking new students. I guess I should try to get over that but it just feels like I would be repeating the same question. Maybe I don't understand what you mean.

    I have talked to the department head, and he has told me that I should expect to work in another subfield if I went there.  I'm not sure the extent I'd be willing to switch; on the one hand, I have been working toward this area in my SOP this whole time, but on the other, maybe I would be able to find a cross interest in other areas. I'm not sure how to tell. It feels like going there would be setting me up for failure, given that I would not have applied if you disappeared those two professors beforehand, but I am still compelled.

  4. Maybe somebody can help me a little here for my schools. I'm stressing out a ton, because schools have come back to me with information very late and I also have very little time in which to finalize a decision.

    School A

    • ranked ~15
    • master's admit only (applied to PhD)
    • no visit
    • presumably unfunded (don't expect to find any)
    • very good program for my subfield
    • cold climate
    • large school, large program

    School B

    • ranked ~20
    • really loved it during the visit
    • smaller school
    • found out April 14 that both professors in my subfield will not take students (though one could maybe be convinced, the other is basically leaving)
    • minimal teaching requirements
    • very warm climate (a big positive for me)
    • average/high average stipend (comparatively, with estimated cost of living)
    • very nice campus

    School C

    • ranked ~30
    • just received funding information today, average stipend. summer funding situation unknown
    • no visit
    • recommended as a good program for my subfield by an old adviser
    • 20 hrs/wk teaching requirement for currently unknown amount of time (no info on whether get switched to RA)
    • very cold climate
    • very large school, large program
    • basically no contact with students or professors yet (have not yet heard who will advise me or who I can contact)
    • unaesthetic campus

    School D

    • ranked ~40
    • no visit
    • 20 hrs/wk teaching requirement, probably get on RA quickly
    • low stipend
    • cold climate
    • large school, medium size program, small subfield
    • I HAVE ACCEPTED THIS OFFER given the turmoil of the past week (but I have no moral qualms with withdrawing if that is necessary)
    • have been able to talk to students and future adviser, it seems nice but I'm not sure
    • adviser seems to do good work
    • average campus

    School E

    • ranked ~55
    • visited, was not in love, but it was decent
    • high stipend
    • minimal-mild teaching requirement, probably RA soon
    • moderate climate
    • medium size school, small size program, very small subfield
    • adviser seems to do good work
    • average campus

    I really don't know how to decide at this point. I don't feel like I have enough information to decide anything (before, I made grids to weight various characteristics and give a score for them to each school, but that was when I had fewer offers and more info)

    I had pretty much decided to go to school B, but that was before I found out about the advisers. I'm sort of in minor panic mode here, because I feel like I need to make the right decision very quickly with very little information, and this is a very big decision.


    I don't know what to do now and I hope someone can help me figure this out.

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