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Posts posted by molcellbio25

  1. TakeruK, thanks for sharing your honest opinion! I would have to disagree with you in that respect, though. I do not think being in grad school for this long is a waste of time. In fact, it has helped me develop a lot of people and research skills that I would otherwise not have obtained in a 9-to-5 job.


    My lab lost its funding and the PI will not be reappointed. The program has a funding limit, so I could not continue...I don't think you got the point of my post. I was asking IF I should take the 2nd Master's with the intent of re-applying/transferring to other PhD programs. I am NOT quitting. Academia is my life, and my life is academia. I eat, sleep, and breathe it. My PhD program was just not a good fit. It happens, and it doesn't mean I should find an alternate career choice. If I didn't like this, I wouldn't have worked my tail off for a publication.


    Does anyone else have another perspective on the situation?

  2. I am currently concluding my 4th year in a Biology PhD program. My PI was not offered tenure since the lab had lost its funding. However, because I was not on good terms with the PI, my advisory committee recommended that I withdraw from the program. My PI had written a biased evaluation that had led to the decision that I withdraw. I appealed this decision, and it seems that the department just does not want me there.


    I was asked if I wanted a Master's degree in General Biology from this PhD-granting school, but I already have a Master's in General Biology from another (and more prestigious) school. I plan on re-applying to other PhD programs, but my concern is that taking a 2nd Master's might hurt me rather than help me. I don't want my 4 years in the PhD program to go to waste, but at the same time, I don't want my record to look like I was not successful in my PhD program. On the bright side, I do have a second-author publication from my time in the PhD program. However, it seems that no one can give me a straight answer as to whether taking a 2nd Master's (four-year duration??) in the same exact field would be beneficial or not, especially if I'm reapplying to PhD programs.


    I would very much appreciate if anyone can offer me advice on this sitation, but It seems that a lot of people explore other career options if they encounter my situation, which is not what I want to do. I do want to stay in academia, as I've found it to be a good fit, except of course for these evil professors that ruin people's careers...haha.

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