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Posts posted by ketchupnchips

  1. The biggest issue here is that the initial post was deleted (less than an hour after the thread was made). Now, anyone who comes into this thread has no context what so ever, even if you wanted "helpful" advice you'll never get it. 


    I respectfully disagree, as that is not the biggest issue I find with this thread. It was the OP's prerogative to choose to delete their post. They knew it was at the cost of possibly not receiving additional "helpful" advice.  

  2. I agree 100% with bhr. I am actually shocked at how negative some of the responses have been towards the OP. Not just negative, but dismissive, and actually kind of blaming/shaming the OP (as that is how it comes across to me).


    Clearly the professor is involved to an extent, especially since she was present when it occurred and is maintaining silence. 

    If it is possible would you be able to talk to the professor first? (If you choose to, make sure it is over a format like email so you have records, and be careful with your wording).

    Otherwise, finding the correct channels at your university to report this is a good next step. 


    OP, I hope you can get this resolved and regain a peace of mind. 



    *Edited: As a side note, I did read the original post before it was deleted. 

  3. Hi bonny, I was in a similar situation, in that I graduated with my bachelors but realized that I had to do more schooling to get into the field that I wanted (I actually also applied to accelerated nursing in Canada, but as a backup). Based on what I've read, I think you should give yourself another shot in applying for nursing if thats what you want to do. You definitely don't want to have any regrets! Do you have any idea why you were rejected? (gpa, extracurriculars) Also, I don't know your situation, but perhaps think about applying to multiple nursing programs? I'm not familiar with eastern Canada, but in Vancouver theres UBC accelerated nursing 2 years, BCIT 3 years, and also many colleges that would be 3-4 years but much easier to get into. 

    The allnurses website is a pretty good resource as it has a section on Canadian nursing programs.


    Also it seems that you're considering MPH? Did you try applying to any of the programs in Canada?

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