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Posts posted by juliawingate0

  1. Yes, I know not having a job can be very stressful. I am sure it is so hard looking around at your friend's success and nothing to show for yours at the moment. Don't get down because of that. It seems like you have a ton of school experience and retail experience to make money. You should create more opportunities for when people look at your resume they see how you are working towards more sociology and criminal justice experience. What do I mean by that?


    1)Keep your retail job. That is a way to work on your social skills and  interact with people. That is definitely helpful for a sociology major as you are seeing and understanding everyone's demographic, which from what I studied is a huge basic principle of sociology. 


    2). Research. Research jobs that bring you particular interest. You will see the requirements you need to work on so your resume will have those. Even though you have a lot of experience in school and retail, you might not have the experience they are looking for in a specific program. See what companies hire with your degree. It will give you more of an understanding about what you need in order to prepare. 


    3) Experience criminal justice & sociology. Yes you have school and work experience. That is a great step, but it seems to me you need more experience in your industry. Yes you applied for the researchers assistant and got turned down. Don't feel upset, they didn't even meet you! There loss. A lot of positions are filled with people they know. Get out there and make connections in the industry whether that be meeting with an old professor for coffee or chatting with a friend in the industry- they might be able to help you. Also, try looking for another internship in the mean time to get more time with your major and a possible job offer.


    Don't give up! 

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