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    applying for MS in IEOR

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Decaf (2/10)



  1. Cornell Reject--- So much for the waiting
  2. columbia says they can tell me only after May 15th. ..
  3. Just a small request.. Every one who is not taking up their Cornell Admit please decline the offer as soon as you can so that the waitlist moves up.
  4. I was told by Kathy i will hear by Friday but nothing so far... they said they still have some outstanding offers. I think that is unfair that they are keeping it open even past the deadline and making us wait like this
  5. any thoughts on Which is better as far as job prospects go? Penn state MEng IE with dual degree in OR Vs Cornell MEng ORIE ?
  6. yes i received an email from them saying so
  7. I am on the Columbia waitlist for MS OR
  8. Just got admit from Penn state into their IE program m. Eng with option for a dual degree in Operations research as well. Any thought on how good this course will be compared to Cornell or Columbia?
  9. no i have a feeling she will reject it cause she has cornell as well
  10. on of my friends got Rutgers MS OR admit.
  11. when did they contact you asking you for a call?
  12. My Profile is in the thread some where you can have a look. I applied for MS in OR at UNC i received the mail from the dept on Saturday.
  13. Really? can you tell me something about its placements?
  14. Just to take a poll... How many of the People on this forum admitted into Cornell M.Eng OR are planning to Take it up?
  15. Do you think i can request for an assistantship?
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