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Posts posted by leleger

  1. Hi, all. I am planning to apply for grad programs this fall, and have a question about submitting transcripts. Since I was a transfer student in undergrad, I've tracked down transcripts from my previous institutions (all the programs I'm applying to only require unofficial transcripts initially), but I also studied abroad in undergrad, and am not sure if I should get a transcript from that organization, even though it was all arranged through my home university. The courses are on my university transcript, but I think the grades are listed as pass/fail, like other transfer credits. 


    Also, since graduating, I took Arabic courses at a nonprofit institution (not an accredited college, but other universities in the area frequently send grad students there to fulfill language requirements) - should I try to get grades from them? I've also learned Turkish since graduating, but mostly independently and through private tutoring, not at a language school - should I look into taking a certification test before applying?


    I'm one of these weird people who has studied at several different institutions, and I'm now worried that this might count against me by looking like I'm flaky/don't follow through with commitments. In high school I took courses at a community college, then started full-time at an art college, then transferred to a more rigorous, better recognized university (which I graduated from), and also studied abroad and studied languages post-grad. If anyone else has had experiences like this, I'd be grateful to hear how you handled it. Thank you!

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