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Posts posted by honeysalt

  1. Hey Dampka: Safe to assume they applied to the dramatic writing program at Tisch??? I did get the interview early last week...have those you've talked to heard anything?

    I didn't get interviewed but I just got an e-mail saying I'm on the wait list. I have no idea how that works.

  2. I got an email response from Yale. I asked if the interview timeline was the same as posted in an early email saying, late feb or early march to be contacted for an interview. I also asked where my application was in the process of things. The response was simply, "The final playwriting decisions will be made by the end of this month."

    I got my rejection letter in the mail last week. I also found out Monday morning I got into Columbia! super excited about that.

    So here is where I stand

    Rejected from:




    Interviewed with:


    New School

    In at:


    waiting to here from:

    New School (I should hear back from them this week)


    UCSD (they interview and I haven't heard anything so I'm kind of assuming that's a rejection)

    SFSU (They said they where behind)

    NYU (said I should know by the 1st of April)

  3. I talked with SFSU and UCSD today they both said they are behind and that no news doesn't mean bad or good news it just means no news. Has anyone called Brown or Yale? I'm kind of a wimp and don't want to.

  4. Has anyone heard anything more? I just found this thread after being on here for a month or so wondering if there were any other playwrights. I applied to Yale and Iowa and haven't heard from either. I understand Iowa is usually very late, as in late April or even May. I was thinking no news was good news, but now I'm not so sure.

    I heard back that NYU will be letting people know end of March before April 1st.

  5. Hey all,

    For what it's worth I haven't gotten any interviews yet, either. I applied to Yale, Columbia and Julliard for Playwriting.

    Anyone heard from any of those? Or are they just late in sending out notifications??

    I just got an interview at Columbia. I got the e-mail on Thursday.

    So excited.

  6. Was anybody interviewed? I'm assuming if I didn't have an interview, I wasn't admitted. Is this reasonable?

    So just to let you guys know, I got an interview at New School in New York and I did it on Monday. Pippen the department head said they got about 100 applications and interviewed 20 of them. Then they have a 24 hour collaborative work shop with the top 12 from the interviews. The work shop is with directing canadates and acting canadates and it sounds really cool. The work shop is the weekend after this one and I can't go because I'm from Seattle and can affored another ticket out. Pippen told me that it doesn't mean I'm out of the runnning. But, you know, I feel like I would be more in the running if I could show them what i can do. The program sounds amazing and super collbrative which is exactly what I want.

    Also I got rejected from UTA. wasn't crazy about the program but it still stings. I haven't heard anything from the other school I applyed to: Yale, Columbia, Brown, Northwestern, SFSU, UCSD, or NYU. Have any of you heard form them?

  7. Me too! Have heard nothing yet, but I can say that the financial aid application process is a...How can I put this delicately?...I can't. It's a major pain in the rear...but what can ya do?

    My girlfriend has just had an interview with Yale for the MFA for directing. She also has one for Brown and UTA and Columbia. I don't know what that means for you guys just wanted to let you know what I know. I applied to Yale for play writing and haven't heard anything back.

  8. Hi!

    I applied to Yale, Columbia, NYU, The New School, UCSD, Brown, UTA, Northwestern and SFSU. I haven't heard back from any of them. I talked to the people at New School they said they would let people know late Feb. Which is only pushed back from mid feb which is what it says on there website.

    Do either of you want to trade writing samples? I would love to read you plays!

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