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Everything posted by tejasG53

  1. I haven't understood why suicide is a criminal offense. How can someone else own and make laws about my life or death.

  2. In one of my MS in EE applications, I have mistakenly checked "I require funding in order to attend graduate school". I can attend graduate school without funding too. I realized this mistake pretty late after submitting my application. However in a short question that asked me to "provide a brief statement outlining your financial needs, skills and strengths for consideration in making financial awards", I have mentioned that my "I would like to be considered for aid but my enrollment is not contingent on aid." Does checking that box negatively hamper my chances? If yes, should I email them and explain? EDIT: to clarify, I am an international student and not eligible for federal aid.
  3. RT @MaggiIndia: #GoodNews: MAGGI noodles have cleared tests for lead done by NABL accredited labs in India. https://t.co/OzKUCfmHXv http://…
  4. RT @Football__Tweet: West Ham away from home this season: Arsenal 0-2 West Ham Liverpool 0-3 West Ham Man City 1-2 West Ham Incredible. h…
  5. I graduated from BITS Pilan, INDIA with a CGPA of 7.94/10. Points to note about grading system in BITS Pilani Univeristy 1. The average grade awarded in any course in my university is usually 7/10 or 6/10. 2. First Class/Division is awarded to GPA of 7+ and distinction to 9+ Institutes like Georgia Tech have mentioned a min. GPA requirement of 3.25/4. If I convert my CGPA linearly to an out-of-4 scale, it is 3.176. Does that make me ineligible for GATech? Or is the min. requirement different for international students with different formats of grading? Should I not apply to GATech?
  6. Hello All, I completed my Bachelors in Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering from BITS Pilani in May, 2015. I will be applying for MS in ECE for Fall 2016. One of my recommenders is a reputed Professor of English Drama and History. I have worked closely with her due to my secondary interest in History and Politics and as a result she has informed me that she will write a very strong recommendation for me. However because she belongs to Dept. of Humanities and Social Sciences, will her recommendation be useful or have any negative impacts on my application? Help appreciated, Tejas.
  7. I'll read it . Send me a pm
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