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Everything posted by StemCellBio

  1. No, I haven't heard back yet. I got an acceptance from my first choice yesterday so I'm not going to accept UCSC anyway.
  2. The website updated my status with a link at the bottom.
  3. Yale decisions have been posted to the website.
  4. I have a couple off topic questions I've been wondering. Is anyone here married and/or have kids? Is anyone over 30?
  5. Thank you for the update!
  6. Congratulations! It's an amazing program, I work with a couple people in that are currently in it. I applied to BMCDB, and the MCIP program, but haven't heard anything. The MCIP program doesn't close until 1/5/16 so I'm not worried yet but I'm starting to lose hope for BMCDB.
  7. I asked about UC Davis an hour ago and no one responded to me, however there has been three entries posted on the results page since.
  8. Has anyone heard anything from UC Davis? Or is there anyone still planning to apply?
  9. Has anyone called or emailed Harvard BPH to ask about interviews invites or the interview weekend?
  10. I applied to BPH and haven't heard anything yet.
  11. Someone just posted a Yale BBS MCGD track invitation via email. Is this true? Most people have reported phone calls from this program and since they started on Sunday I thought they would be done by now. I still want to have hope!
  12. I just found a recruitment email in my junk folder. This is after getting emails from two different professors! Spent the next 20 minutes checking my entire junk folder.
  13. Agreed! My heart stops every time I see a @ .edu email, it's so disappointing when it's an invitation to apply to a school I'm not interested in and not an invitation for an interview!
  14. Congratulations! Which track did you apply to?
  15. My first interview invite, UC Santa Cruz Molecular, Cell and Developmental Bio! I was getting so nervous, such a relief to have one!
  16. Did anyone apply to Harvard BPH? I haven't seen any information or interviews from any of the programs I have applied to and it is adding to my anxiety!
  17. I forgot about this page until you posted this yesterday, now I have one more site to constantly check, lol. None of the schools I have applied to have showed up on this forum but there is one UC Davis program on the survey already, I'm so nervous!
  18. Congratulations! That's so exciting to get a call from a PI you're interested in working with!
  19. I submitted my last app hours ago and I can't sleep. It's a combination of nervous excitement, I keep thinking about every word I wrote! I still have two more applications due in January, I don't if this is a good or bad. I want them done, but happy I didn't have to do them this week. I don't think I could have written one more diversity statement! Congratulations everyone! Now the wait begins!
  20. Me too! Are the adding to our anxiety on purpose just to see how we can handle it? Lol Every time I logon to a site and it says "Application Incomplete" because it's missing a letter, makes me more nervous!
  21. It's not great, but I do know someone from last cycle that did the same thing in an SOP and still got an interview and accepted. Both the school that got sent the SOP with the wrong name and the school who's name was left in the SOP are top 10 schools. But I hope they allow you change it anyways!
  22. Congratulations! I needed to see that, I haven't submitted any yet! On a good note, I did get an abstract accepted for a large conference to give a presentation and a poster! The conference is in less than a week and I have been working on the presentation and not my applications.
  23. Sent you a PM.
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