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Everything posted by llyMx
Just got a rejection email from NYU. I emailed them this morning asking about any notifications and was told I would be notified by mid April. Then received the rejection a couple of hours later. Odd.
I just saw about an hour ago a decision had been made on my Parsons application for painting. I had an interview and had my fingers crossed for that school, but it was a rejection. Kinda bummed.
Rejected for Painting at SVA. I didn't get a notification, but checked my application and saw the message there.
I received an email last night from New York Academy of Art that I was #1 on their wait list, and would hear back by March 30th.
I haven't heard a word from SVA, NYU, or NYAA for Painting. I know they've sent interview requests and have completed some, but I haven't received a rejection from any of them. I'm also waiting to hear back about my interview with Parsons. I'm really really hoping for good things from them and should hear back by the 15th. Eek!
I'm wondering if after an interview it is normal to send an e-mail or reach out in some way to thank the committee again for the opportunity. I don't know that it would make a difference, but was just unsure of the etiquette there.
If anyone else is waitlisted at Pratt for Painting, I emailed them a few days ago and they sent me back some information. They said painting was their largest program so they have 49 people waitlisted. That seems like so many to me. They didn't seem to be able to tell me my placement on the list or if they'd be taking anyone from it.
I just received an email from Hunter that I had an update. It was, unfortunately, an expected rejection.
I also just received a rejection from Columbia. At least we didn't have to wait in the unknown for too long. Best of luck for your other schools!
When and how did you receive your acceptance from NYAA? I haven't heard anything from them.
It's definitely hard to stay positive, but I guess there is always still a chance! I've also applied to SVA for painting. I haven't heard a word. My application says "you should receive a decision soon," but also says, "decisions will be made by April 1." I really hope it's sooner.
Okay, good to know, and congratulations! That's really exciting!
Does anyone know if the interview notifications for Hunter, Columbia, and NYU (painting) are most likely over? If so, does this mean I assume rejection? Or possibly still have a shot? Ugh. The stress.
I'm right there along with you. I basically check all my applications at least once a day, my e-mail constantly, and I am definitely checking my spam folder as well. I have until maybe mid March to early April to find out and the time is just creeping by. I've never thought of myself as such as spaz. At least this thread is helping, seeing people like you post. haha
Did you contact admissions to ask details about the waiting list? I'm wait listed at another school and am wondering if I should shoot someone an e-mail to find out more.
I got a letter yesterday morning (February 13) from Pratt that I was being wait listed. I thought I should let anyone know who may also be waiting to hear from Pratt for Painting. Does anyone know if being wait listed works differently for different schools? I'm unsure if I'm waiting to see if spots open up for me, or if this means they are simply still deciding. On another topic I'm crossing my fingers that Columbia may still have a few interviewees they need to contact!
It was for painting, so I would assume they're still looking over industrial design! Good luck to you!
I just received an e-mail from Parsons for an interview! This is my first response from all New York schools so far. Because it's so soon I'm going to interview via Skype.
Great, thanks. I was thinking at least those three might. I'm feeling antsy and had to find out!
I've finished my applications recently for Painting, all of which are for programs in New York. I've seen mixed responses and am wondering if Pratt, SVA, Hunter, Columbia, Parsons, or NYU schedule interviews as a part of the process?
Hello all! I'm applying for MFA in painting fairly soon and my BFA is in Studio Art as well. I'm moving to New York City next summer and this is the list of schools I've been looking at and doing some research on.. HunterColumbiaNYUPrattParsonsSVANYAA That's in no particular order. It is however, just about every school I can possibly apply to in the area. If anyone has any advice or insight on these schools feel free to fill me in. I'm a first time applicant and the closer it gets, the more my nerves are creeping up! Any other painters applying to NYC schools for next fall?