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Posts posted by ddsos

  1. This the first thing I have written in ages, and this is the first draft(haven't even corrected the spelling mistakes). I want to feel the depth before I jump in, so any and all help is appreciated. I have added the notes i made at the end.

    Topic: imagination is more important thatn knowledge in most professions and academics

                           Imagination plays a vital role in the advancements of human achievements and discovery in most academic fields and professions, often more than knowledge. Imagination is defined as the ability to fantasize about things that are not of this world already. More tangibly, it is the ability to (think about)? innovations and creative solutions. Take for example the digital revolution of the new age, the iPhone. Using technology that was't entirely new, a new era was heralded. Einstein and his theory of relativity which changed the world we think about the universe. The theory that the scientefic fraternity takes for granted was not based on new knowledge but on Einstein's creative thinking. In more recent times, we have seen the achivements of the Indian space agency in putting a probe on mars at jaw droppingly low costs.
                          The iPhone hit the markets at a time when technologists and the industry acknowledged that computing was going to become a deeply personal and 'smart' experience. But when it did come out, the iPhone was received with such awe and admiration for it's creative approach to smartphones. Engineers will tell you that there was no technology in the iPhone which was a game changer. Touchscreens existed since the early 90s, mobile connectivity to the internet was in use on PDAs, portable music players had been the in-thing years ago and yet, the concept of a phone that could do all these functions was stroke of genius. It was the iamgination of Apple's charismatic leader Steve Jobs that made the iPhone possible. Indeed, the company tag line was for many years "Imagine". Imagine the possibilities of technology, imagine the idea that will solve problems people did not realise they had. Apple and the iPhone proved that success in business and creating solutions, rests not in having knowledge of the best technology, but in imagining a break through product.
                         Second, the mars mission undertaken by the Indian space agency, ISRO. Since before mankind ever put a man in space, the imagination of artists and authors kindled in people the hope that one day a man will set foot on mars. Although it's been nearly a decade since NASA touched down a probe on mars, the question remained, was it too expensive and impractical to take a look at mars. The question was answered by ISRO when the Indian mars mission was completed at a cost much lesser than the budgets of many Hollywood block busters. It is no exaggeration to say that the creativity of Indian scientists was what stepped up to the plate and made this possible. Working on what otehr space agencies might consider a shoe string budget and with technology that hadn't changed drastically in many years, the scientists managed to extract maximum potential from every component. Indeed some might say that the availability of extensive knowledge burdened other space agencies and led them into thinking of intricate solutions that utilised all the know how. With imagination and creative thinking, ISRO shed what was unnecessary and created new knowledge for future generations to build upon. 
                      The fact that time is relative and perceived differently by individuals in varied frames of reference is a fact that has become part of popular culture. It is amusing but not debated. Working with mathematics that had been around since the turn of the century, Einstein, then a patent clerk came up with a wild theory - that time was not the same everywhere in the universe. Knowledge of the physics of it was extensive and the foundations accepted by the scientific community, and yet many refused to believe sucha wild claim. Accounts of the United State army launching the first GPS satellites without taking into account the relativity of time, and hence clocks on board the satellites going out of sync with clocks on earth are testaments to how shaken the world was due to Einstein's new theory. Is it not imagination then on Eienstein's part that led him to propose a theory that revealed so many of the secrets of the universe to shock scientists of the world sitting on knowledge that had been around for years? 
                       From revolutionising the way in which we use electronics by creating a device that is the template still for all phones, to reaching out to space in ways everyone said was impossible and to the dremer whose imagination gave the world the key to unlocking the mysteries of the world, imagination drives innovation. It is creative thinking and dreaming of possilities and the willingness to momentarily distance oneself from reality that brings about advancements in human achievement and discoveries that shake the world. It is the dreamers who drive innovation and progress. Imagination then is more important than being in possession of knowledge. 



    imagination is more important thatn knowledge

    imagination- new uses for same things, creativity, common sense??
    iPod & iPhone //
          technology was available, devices were small, importance of GUI, personal computing. leap of imagination to bring to people's pockets, heralded a digital revolution. synonymous for phone and music player. other businessness inflienced by it
    einstein universal constant, theory of relativity //
            imagine time is relative, opposed/not belived by us military. math wasn't a new field 
    medical science(new procedures)
    apollo 13??
    Indian mars mission //
           cost less than so many movies. didnt really use any new technology (cryogenic engine other countries have. challenged by limited funds, imagination in maximising utility and shedding unnecessary weight from knowledge of many tech


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