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    2016 Fall
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    Computer Science

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borntowin's Achievements


Decaf (2/10)



  1. Hi seniors,I'm new to gradcafe and I would be needing your help to evaluate my profile and shortlist universities I should be applying to for MS in CS. Please evaluate my profile:10th - 97%12th - 97%U.G: (IT in Anna University) : 9.0 / 10GRE : 317 ( 163Q [86%], 154V[63%], AWA:4.0[56%] )Industry Experience: ~2 yearsPublications : 1 IEEE conference publication Undergraduate DetailsUniversity/CollegeAnna UniversityDepartmentInformation TechnologyGrade9Topper's Grade9.4Grade Scale10Experience and PublicationsJournal Publications0Conference Publications1Industrial Experience1 Years, 6 MonthsResearch Experience0 Years, 0 MonthsInternship Experience0 Years, 0 MonthsVisa InformationUndergraduate Arrears0Home Country Destination Country Applied Visa TypeStill To ApplyVisa DecisionVisa Consulate City DecisionNot AppliedAppointment Date Applied University Type of Finance DocsNot ApplicableFinancial AidType of Financial AidNot ApplicableAmount0Other Miscellaneous DetailsList of projects: 1) Research Project: Secure transmission of sensitive data via images using steganography Technology: Cryptography, Matlab, Image tweaking and analysis 2) Government funded Project: Accident occurrence detection and effective path tracing using shortest path algorithm Technology: Android, Sensors, Djikstra\\\'s algorithm 3) Publication: One IEEE conference publication based on the government funded project Published in: 2013 Fifth International Conference on Advanced Computing (ICoAC) Publisher: IEEE Link: http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/xpl/articleDetails.jsp?tp=&arnumber=6921997&url=http%3A%2F%2Fieeexplore.ieee.org%2Fxpls%2Fabs_all.jsp%3Farnumber%3D6921997 4) Industry experience: 1.5+ years as performance engineer in top-tier networking company. Tools developer to measure performance of the company. Technology: JQuery, PHP, Perl, R. Community Services: Part of National Service Scheme Part of Blood Donation CampsShortlisted universities:University of Wisconsin MadisonGeorgia Institute of TechnologyUniversity of Maryland North Carolina State UniversityU Pennyslvania USCNCSUUCLAUC San DiegoTAMU NYU Kindly help me with classifying the above universities into safe, moderate and ambitious universities. Also, it would be helpful if you could suggest some universities I should be adding.THanks in advance!
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