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Posts posted by Vee2111

  1. I applied to two PhD programs. I was invited for interviews at both (but I have visited both in the past as well so I have an idea of what the programs are like) and the one that is my dream school accepted me a couple days ago following an interview last week. The other interview is next week and it seems like it will be a very formal, rigorous, multi-day process that I'm not really looking forward to anymore. I am positive that I want to attend the first school and I live very close to the second school so they didn't have to pay for my transportation to the interview or anything; they only booked me a hotel room along with the other applicants. Is it shitty to e-mail on Monday and say I'm not going? I have a pretty good relationship with the PI so I feel bad bailing on her but I don't want to waste anyone's time or pretend I want to go somewhere I don't while being interviewed by every professor in the department for two full days. 

    Has anyone had a similar experience or can you tell me if I'm being a jerk by wanting to cancel?

    Thanks in advance!

  2. Undergrad Institution: medium-sized top tier research university
    Major(s): Biology, Marine Science
    Minor(s): Chem, Math
    GPA in Major: 3.8
    Overall GPA: 3.6
    Position in Class: no idea
    Type of Student: domestic female

    GRE Scores (revised/old version):
    Q: 162
    V: 162
    W: 5.0

    Research Experience: two semesters in one lab followed by 5 semesters+summers in chair of bio dept's lab, poster presentation at large national conference

    Awards/Honors/Recognitions: member of relevant honor society, a bunch of grants and scholarships

    Pertinent Activities or Jobs: leader of large outreach event on campus, executive board of another org

    Any Miscellaneous Accomplishments that Might Help: EMT-B certified, a bunch of SCUBA certs

    Special Bonus Points: great relationship with PI from undergrad lab I worked in for five semesters who is also the chair and probably wrote a good letter

    Any Other Info That Shows Up On Your App and Might Matter: only applied to two grad programs but I have good relationships with both PIs and have corresponded a lot

    Applying to Where:

    Rutgers-Ecology and Evolution-PhD

    Richard Gilder grad school-American Museum of Natural History-Comparative Biology-PhD


    ***I have been offered interviews for both and would really like to know if anyone has experience at either of these schools and how formal the interviews are and if there is a dress code I should know about***

  3. Hi everybody. I applied to two grad schools and got two interviews. Woohoo!

    The first one is a prospective student all day event at Rutgers where I will be interviewed but the interviews are described as "meetings with faculty".

    The second is a two-day event at Richard Gilder grad school at the Museum of Natural History in NYC. That seems like a more formal interview process where the interviews are actually called interviews. 

    I'd love to get insight on what anyone thinks this means in terms of how to dress/what to bring. (I am a girl by the way, so suits vs slacks doesn't really apply here lol). If anyone has specific experiences interviewing for PhD programs at either of these two schools, your input would be greatly appreciated!

    I know this question has been asked before so I'm sorry if I'm being redundant. Thank you!

  4. Thanks, I checked there the other day and there are only a couple entries and they're from a few years ago with really different dates. It looks like maybe Rutgers doesn't have a set time when they release decisions and they just do it whenever.

  5. There's been a lot of talk on here and other threads about getting interview invites and hearing decision info already. Is it typical to hear back by now? I only applied to two grad schools and one doesn't send out interview invites until the end of January, but I haven't heard anything from the other which is my top choice. Both had application deadlines of 12/15 so I didn't think I'd hear anything for a while.

  6. Does anyone have any info on when Rutgers releases decisions for admission to PhD programs in the life sciences (e.g. marine science, ecology and evolution, molbiosci, etc.)? Also, does Rutgers do interviews and do they release decisions about funding with admission or after? None of that info is on any of the program sites.

    This thread is for stats and admission results for Fall 2017 but it looks like many people have heard back about interviews and have some admissions info by now. Is that typical? From my experience with the schools I applied to, all of the deadlines were fairly recent so I wasn't expecting to hear anything from anywhere for a while...

  7. I'm ready to submit one of my applications to a life science phd program. The personal statement instructions consist of four questions with a length cutoff for each i.e. 200-300 words, 400 max, 300-500, etc. I've written it all and when I copy and paste it into the application form I'm not sure if I should leave it in question and answer format or if I should put it all together into essay format. The form says to make sure the personal statement is a cohesive essay but that part of the instructions is the same for every program and most don't ask specific numbered questions. What format do you think I should submit it in? 

    Also, the form allows for a lot of extra room and one of my responses is a bit long. Do you think it's important to trim it down by a few sentences or that maybe they won't notice because form accepts it anyway?

    Thanks in advance!

  8. I'm very interested in applying to the Richard Gilder Ph.D. in Comparative Bio program through the American Museum of Natural History. I'm a recent grad from a top tier school with two majors and two minors, all in the hard sciences. I had pretty good GPA, about an A- average but just about an A average for my major GPA. 3.5 years of research experience. A presentation at a big conference and a publication pending (I'm like 4th author but it's still cool). I literally just took the GRE today and got a 153V and 160Q. I'm usually a super good test taker, like I got in the 99th percentile the one time I took the ACT in high school. I know my GRE scores aren't bad, but I was hoping to do better, especially on the Verbal.

    Does anyone know what a competitive score for the RGGS program is? If I could get my score up to 160 and 160, do you think that would make a big difference?

    Any information on getting into this program would be super helpful! So if you know literally anything, let me know!

    Thanks in advance!

  9. I'm very interested in applying to the Richard Gilder Ph.D. in Comparative Bio program through the American Museum of Natural History. I'm a recent grad from a top tier school with two majors and two minors, all in the hard sciences. I had pretty good GPA, about an A- average but just about an A average for my major GPA. 3.5 years of research experience. A presentation at a big conference and a publication pending (I'm like 4th author but it's still cool). I literally just took the GRE today and got a 153V and 160Q. I'm usually a super good test taker, like I got in the 99th percentile the one time I took the ACT in high school. I know my GRE scores aren't bad, but I was hoping to do better, especially on the Verbal.

    Does anyone know what a competitive score for the RGGS program is? If I could get my score up to 160 and 160, do you think that would make a big difference?

    Any information on getting into this program would be super helpful! So if you know literally anything, let me know!

    Thanks in advance!

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