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Posts posted by doublehelixdoubletrouble

  1. For those that are dealing with the next step of entering information into the FII, anyone else have problems? I entered my application number and last name but no luck. I'm assuming the application number might be something else?

  2. I agree @biofilmsarego! with that statement. 

    I applied to the EPA STAR 2013/2015, NSF GRFP 2013/2014/2015, DOD 2015, Sigma Xi March & Oct 2015, a university dissertation grant, a university grant, and a few others the past 3 years (I'm a 3rd yr PhD) - of those I only have received honorable mention for NSF GRFP 2015 and then received the Oct 2015 Sigma Xi (I also don't want to count my eggs before the check comes in for the EPA STAR ;)). Plenty of harsh and not so harsh rejections throughout. So for those that may not get recommended, keep applying. I remember my EPA STAR in 2013 I was told by the 3rd reviewer I'd make a good cheerleader for science but would never be a scientist (I was a senior applying to grad school at the time and had written a proposal of what I thought I'd like to do... and wrote it up while I had mono)- later that year I got my first author publication accepted before I even entered grad school. So take the reviews with a grain of salt and just keep plugging away. 

    For those looking for the reviews back in the future Brandon said: 

    Yes - reviews are available. We need to complete these initial communications prior to putting funding packages together and sharing reviews.

  3. Thank you! I was in A3 and I received an email from Brandon. Another person in my lab has not heard back yet - she was in B2. They hold off so that if someone declines the award, they can offer it to another person (I think anyway). 

  4. From Brandon 1/11/16

    "We are planning on having recommendation decisions by the end of this week. The plan is to then notify the recommended applicants by early next week. Thanks for the patience."

    Seems to be on track so far... fingers crossed!

  5. Maybe we will hear tomorrow? If not, how is everyone getting ahold of Brandon over this time period? I couldn't find his email and went through NCER_Communications@epa.gov ... I never heard from them after I sent one out 12/15/15. Is it worth emailing him again? 

  6. Still no word - while I'm still waiting on the email... has anyone else heard anything through the grapevine? I hope they tell us before Christmas. Forms for next semester TA-ships has already begun. 

  7. 59 minutes ago, insane-in-the-membrain said:

    Here's what I heard from Brandon Jones this morning:

    "The timeline will be adjusted forward a few weeks. We are in the final stages of review and then on to the decision process.

    We will be updating the special announcement box prior to the holiday.
    Thanks for your patience.


    So basically they are waiting till the fiscal year is over and they can't award us anymore? :P Just kidding, I am glad they are at least responding to your emails and thank you for sharing with the rest of us!

    • 2015 STAR Fellows are anticipated to be selected and notified of their award recommendation by mid-November and receive grant funding by mid to late December.

    Newest update... 

  8. Has anyone heard yes or no from the STAR? I remember the 2011 EPA GRO they called my phone rather than an email to notify me. The email came letter as the official acceptance. Maybe they'll do the same for this?

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