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Everything posted by dirrrtbag

  1. heyyyyo @cpw0021 @sylviecerise, past elsewhere curator here, i would say we are really good at running late on deadlines. interviews do happen before final selection though, and everybody does indeed scope websites before that. i'm sure they're working on it, and if you need info asap just contact them it's no worries! cheers
  2. yooooo that's awesome Relm!! congratulations! i'm new media too, wild. i'm still waiting for a couple decisions but i'd say there's a good chance i'll end up there. i've never been, hoping to visit this spring but i live in the southwest right now. did you visit the program or anything?
  3. hahah that is a really good point.. luckily i had a fee waiver with them but i doubt i'll be getting my doll hairs back from Slideroom.
  4. hey thanks Relm. i got this from the U Iowa this morning: "It has been recently decided that we will not be accepting any incoming graduate student to the Intermedia discipline this year. If you are still interested in our program perhaps you would like to apply next year." bad news for anyone else in intermedia, good news for others?
  5. hey y'all, about UIUC, they sent an admission offer to me this week. i got the phone call a while ago about how they had short funding, i have no idea how many they're taking though. nominated for a grad fellowship but if that doesn't come through then they are still offering a stipend etc. about OSU, haven't heard from them since an interview like seven weeks ago, i heard they extended their deadline by a month so i reckon they might still be making decisions.
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