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Everything posted by Elvidi

  1. Congrats!!!! I'm literally still shaking. Maybe we'll see each other around in two years
  2. Congrats!!!! I'm literally still shaking. Maybe we'll see each other around in two years
  3. Just got a response. I'm in!
  4. Gahhhh same I'm going crazy. I live 2 timezones away too and I'm so afraid I'm going to wake up to a rejection...
  5. I submitted mine December 16th and they processed up to the 15th before break haha :/
  6. Bumping because results should be coming soon everyone hanging in there?
  7. Looks like LSE results are starting to trickle in. Wish people would note when they applied :/
  8. my LinkedIn has had 2 anonymous viewers this week and I think it's safe to say I'm freaked ...
  9. tbh I'd accept the next couple of weeks ...
  10. apparently Making a Murderer is a thing, but I haven't been able to get into it ...
  11. Congrats, that's awesome! Hope everyone else gets good news soon On a somewhat side note, it seems like the people on GradCafe tend to be the ones who are the most qualified/likely to be accepted to their programs of choice. So I'd say the odds are already in y'alls favor!
  12. I'm originally from South Dakota, where you can get any kind of liquor at pretty much every store that sells food (grocery store, gas station, Target ...) so I was a little confused when I first got to Colorado haha
  13. I used to LOVE Bones but I sort of stopped watching around season 6 or 7! I think that might be my next thing
  14. I literally watched all 10 seasons between my first big deadline (ca. Thanksgiving break) and now. Should have paced myself because I submitted my last app yesterday and have nothing left to binge HELP The worst part is I'm currently not drinking because of some medication, and I really don't think I can do this whole waiting thing sober ...
  15. I like those numbers better so let's go with that haha Just submitted my application today! It's waiting on one more recommender and I'm not confident he'll pull through before the deadline, so hopefully they will still accept my materials Good luck to my fellow MYF applicants!
  16. Sent in my application to LSE yesterday!
  17. i agree, wouldn't put the quickly as possible part in. I'm personally a fan of blaming the application portal ("I just wanted to make sure the information for recommenders got to you, I know these portals can be unreliable sometimes ...") followed by a quick reminder of the deadline. Good luck from a CU undergrad!
  18. Hey! I'm also applying MYF (as I'm sure you saw in my post about the anecdote lol). In an info session they said the acceptance rate is about the same as regular admissions (~30%), and sometimes higher because MYF applicants tend to have pretty strong cases for their goals and whatnot.
  19. Thank you @ASHLEYSHEN! good luck to you too. I am also writing about a study abroad experience, specifically the year I spent abroad in high school that encouraged me to break out of the South Dakota bubble and pursue a global career. not the most original, but there wasn't much else I could talk about that i didn't mention anywhere else. @sp108, here is the prompt. It is in addition to the actual SoP: "To help the Committee on Admissions get to know you better, please share an anecdote, or details about an experience or personal interest, that you have not elaborated upon elsewhere in your application."
  20. I never post for writing help on this website but I'm getting desperate. I knew my topic wasn't working weeks ago but then finals took over my life and I don't have time for a complete overhaul before the map your future deadline. If anyone would be willing to help me salvage what I can I would greatly appreciate it! Just message me. Thank you in advance!
  21. I would cut the first sentence entirely. It's awkward and doesn't tell me anything interesting. also, don't say "super smart". I guess it's difficult to really critique this since I don't know what's in the rest of your statement, but maybe you can start with this? Good luck!
  22. I put mine within my academic experience as "research projects". Don't know your exact situation though so this might not apply to your program/field!
  23. Hi! I actually just had mine this week. as far as the general structure, I don't have anything to add from what StyLeD said - pretty standard "why fletcher, what are your interests, what will you bring to the campus, what experiences brought you here" - it's basically an opportunity to touch on things you might wish you could have put in your SoP. Experience-wise, I was very happy. Aside from my own nerves/flustered-ness that completely threw off my own performance, the interview was great. I was interviewed by a MALD student who's in one of the areas of focus I plan on doing. It was a pretty casual interview, although not as "conversational" as other interviews I have had (again, that was probably more my fault). I spent a solid half of the interview asking him questions about everything from the social environment to faculty to specific aspects of the curriculum, and he was very knowledgeable and seemed genuinely excited to share the information with me. Overall, I'd say if you go in confident, with a few things in mind you want to share and specific questions you have, you should be fine. Good luck!!
  24. Hi all! so I just did an optional admissions interview at one of my schools. It was effectively a short conversation with a current student, and then I did an on-campus info session/tour afterwards. Being an aggressive thank-you note-writer, I'm wondering if it's overkill to send a handwritten note to either the admissions office or the student who interviewed me. I don't want to look like I'm trying too hard, it's just a habit at this point!
  25. Slightly delayed reply, but does anyone have advice for how to demonstrate quant skills in my application? Fletcher has so many aspects (SoP/Anecdote/Additional info/map your future, plus letters of rec), I'm not quite sure where the most useful place to include this would be. I'm not particularly close with any professors with a quant background, although my quant research methods professor is known to write recs for anyone who got a B or above in his class. The other options I would consider would be specifically addressing this in my "additional info" section or subtly mentioning the research paper I wrote for my quantitative research methods class (it was at least somewhat relevant to my research interests). Does anyone have thoughts? Thanks!
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