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Posts posted by jenrd

  1. 22 hours ago, keangarc said:

    Hey all, 

    Super excited to see that this thread has been created! I'm interested in applying for an ETA. As of now I have not yet decided on where, but I'm thinking either Senegal or Greece. This is my first time applying to the Fulbright so I'm very excited but also rather nervous!

    Question: does anyone know why some countries (namely, all those in Sub-Saharan Africa) still list TBD in regard to how many grants they are awarding? Or perhaps when this information will be determined?  

    I am wondering that about sub saharan Africa as well. I don't know why they are not more specific, but if you look at ETA statistics for the past few years it might help you get a better idea of how many openings each country has in general.


    It looks like Rwanda has had 3 ETA positions the past 3 years so it is probable they will have around 3 again this year. It is unlikely (although not impossible) it will jump from 3 to 15 or something like that. South Africa has had 10,10,14....Here is the list. Hope it helps


  2. 18 minutes ago, Asmith10 said:

    Thank you!

    What countries are you looking into?

    I'm interested in the UAE because I visited there when I was studying abroad in Jordan. Plus I have studied Arabic for four years so conducting research will be a bit easier. Jordan was my first thought but for the research I'm conducting it's not appropriate.

    I'm considering Turkey, India, or Hungary. The original list I had in mind for potential options was much larger...I've really narrowed it down over the past few weeks, but they all have their pros and cons. What kind of research are you hoping to do?

  3. UAE would be amazing! I'm applying for an ETA and have narrowed down my choices to three countries so far. I hope to narrow down to a specific country by this weekend and just commit to that country. 

  4. 11 hours ago, Photogeographic said:

    Any one anxiously waiting for Fulbright's next application cycle to start tomorrow ? 0_0 


    40 minutes ago, Asmith10 said:

    I am 0_0. I never post but I am on here constantly. I will be applying for the 2017-2018 cycle!

    Hi photogeographic and Asmith

    I've started this for the next cycle


    Congratulations to this cycles grantees! And to those who did not get accepted; there are a lot of opportunities available to you to get similar experiences. And to those in the waiting game still; good luck


  5. What would I do? I'd finish those two classes. However my next choice would be to contact the admissions committee...but like you said they accepted you with the understanding that you would have a master's degree, so don't be too surprised if they say you need to finish those classes. I don't think it would come across as lazy to ask though.

  6. 17 minutes ago, clueless801 said:

    Just got the incredibly sad email that all programs to Bangladesh are being suspended for the 2016-2017 year due to credible security threats. I'm not entirely sure how to feel about it because I know this is for the best interest of citizens (especially given recent events) but I was looking really forward being able to go. Right now, I'm still on my study abroad in Spain without any plan of action for when I get back in a few weeks. Any of you have advice?

    Sorry to hear that, about a year ago I was all ready to leave for the Peace Corps only to get a similar email saying that my particular program had been cancelled due to security threats. I found this out with just a couple months to go. It is such a let down. It is hard to give too much advice on plan of action since I don't know what you are studying/want to study or what field you work in, but I do know that you will figure something out because I did when my program was cancelled for the Peace Corps. I just know what you are feeling right now, and it is a huge let down.

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