I have a 3.9 GPA and I have been really involved as an undergraduate: President of organizations, an internship at the Speech Garden in North Carolina for SLP, sorority, NSSLHA, and other volunteer opportunities. However, here is the big "scare" to applying for graduate school: the GRE. I scored a 138 in Verbal and a 142 in the math with a 2.5 Writing score. Again… 3.9 GPA and a low GRE score. In other words, standardized tests aren't my thing. I am applying to only 3 schools due to specific circumstances. Is there anyone out there who was, or is, in a similar situation as I am and ended up getting into a SLP grad school program? And if you didn't, what was your plan B? I am planning on reapplying next year if things don't work in my favor.. but if I continue to get declined, what is another profession (besides Audiology) that SLP students tend to take? Sincerely, A terrified senior in undergrad.