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Posts posted by Izzybop

  1. 9 hours ago, SamStone said:

    I would imagine that if you already know you that you are planning to apply to philosophy PhD programs, that you would/should focus on the philosophical aspects of political theory while working on your current MA. Of course, you probably won't be able to do only philosophical work, right?

    Actually, the part of me that does want to stay, is due to the fact that this program I am currently in allows me to research any area of my interest. So I am writing my thesis on Egoist Virtue, though I have not completely sorted it out yet. 

    9 hours ago, SamStone said:

    But you also mention the possibility of quitting your political theory MA now, and just apply to philosophy MA and PhD programs...is that because you aren't really sure you care about political theory as much as you had thought, or just because you didn't want to hurt your chances of getting into a philosophy PhD program? If it is the former, does it feel like you will be wasting the next year and a half finishing the degree?

    This is actually due to both to be honest. Political Theory is not Political Philosophy, similar, but not the same. But, I could continue with it. The big issue is the fact that I cannot stand the Political Science aspect. I thought I could manage a sub-field in American Government or Comparative Politics, but it is not at all like I had thought it would be, and I am finding myself disinterested completely. In addition, I had a broader interest in Philosophy than strictly Political Philosophy (such as Ontology and Philosophical Anthropology) which is sorta being suppressed.  

  2. Hey all, I am currently in a MA in Political Science doing Political Theory and want to switch back into Philosophy (my BA was in Philosophy). I was wondering if anyone knows if there are any PhD programs that will except an MA in a related field (or at least a good portion of credits? Interests is in German Philosophy (Kant, Hegel, Heidegger).

    So far I have found Texas A&M, and University of North Texas. Anyone know of any others?

    Also, if I am already considering switching back into Philosophy am I better to just stop the MA I am currently in and reapply now for Philosophy MAs or PhDs? (I am only finishing my first semester in the Political theory MA.)

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