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Posts posted by splicanin

  1. Say I decide I want to pursue something outside of academia once I receive my PoliSci PhD. What options are there? To get more specific, someone who studies IR and comparative, but who has time to tailor his studies to a job outside of academia. I figured we could start a sort of list, where ideas are posted.

    There are obviously intel, DoD, etc, but what about in the private sector?

    -Apologies if this topic has been talked about already, I'm having some problems sifting through the search-function results. Also, if we could keep the "why would you get a PhD if you don't want to go into academia" responses to a minimum I would appreciate it!

  2. So if it is the one place you got into with funding sad.gif...

    Can I hope for any job when I graduate? Think tank, DoD, intelligence, consulting, (academia being a long shot)....I know much of this depends on my performance, but just trying to get as much info as I can.

  3. What are some general thoughts? I'm comparative, and I know it is not as prestigious as most of the schools mentioned here, but I am just looking for some general feedback. The one thing I do know, is that Santa Barbara is awesome, so no need to include info on the citybiggrin.gif!


  4. I hate to bring up an old thread, but a friend and I (he showed me this website) have been discussing fallback plans. I have been rejected at 1 school, but essentially (that unofficial waitlist until the cohort is full BS) rejected from 4 more! I usually just lurk around, but felt maybe those of us who are really feeling the sting of not being in anywhere yet could commiserate.

    I'm actually considering Coast Guard OCS. Quite a departure from academia I know, but what the heck, I thought I'd share.

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