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    optogent got a reaction from Yav Friendly in 2016 Neuroscience Ph.D. Applicant Thread People Thing   
    In order to test existing elegant theories and perhaps inspire new ones, the field needs powerful tools that can manipulate and readout the activity of large neuronal populations with genetic specificity. I think optogenetics is one of the more promising ways to get you theorists the data you crave.
  2. Upvote
    optogent reacted to Neuro PolarBear in Correlation between prestige of graduate school program and success as a scientist?   
    What matters most during a PhD is not what school you go to, but who your mentor is. I'd recommend Ben Barres' excellent article on picking a PhD mentor. You want someone who is both a good scientist  (well published, well-funded, etc.) that is also an excellent mentor. Scientists that are both can certainly be found at many different types of institutions, and are not just concentrated at the ones you listed. In fact, some of those labs at the top institutions are so big that maybe they're better for doing a postdoc since it could be harder to be mentored by a super well-known scientist who's not as involved in your project. Or maybe that would work better for you!
    Your mentor's name and reputation is what will help you get published much more than what school you're at. Maybe if you decide to pursue a career outside of academia, people might place more weight on the institution that you attended, but this is certainly fairly misguided-in the same ways that impact factor isn't a good job of evaluating the quality of the work you publish from your thesis.
  3. Upvote
    optogent reacted to StrongTackleBacarySagna in 2016 Neuroscience Ph.D. Applicant Thread People Thing   
    Colubmia          Neuroscience, PhD (F16)               Interview via E-mail on 6 Jan 2016           A             6 Jan 2016
    lol wut?
  4. Upvote
    optogent reacted to StrongTackleBacarySagna in 2016 Neuroscience Ph.D. Applicant Thread People Thing   
    I see. While I admire your consideration of others' feelings, and I apologize if you were personally hurt by my remarks, I am not exactly trying to present myself as a cultured, wholesome individual on an internet forum. I enjoy acting like an absolute bellend when circumstances allow because, quite frankly, it's fun. People should not become emotionally invested in posts made by internet dickheads, especially when the dickhead in question thinks it appropriate to use Uncle Ruckus as his avatar. Moreover, saying that a university graduate program desires me with primal sexual urges is clearly not a perspective that I advocate sincerely -- in fact, data show that graduate programs very rarely solicit their applicants for sexual engagements. However, in the spirit of human progress, I will ameliorate any damages by improving my conduct in the future and only using the words dick, fuck, or meekrob once or twice per thread.
    Cool? Cool.
  5. Upvote
    optogent reacted to Neuro PolarBear in 2016 Neuroscience Ph.D. Applicant Thread People Thing   
    I don't remember when I submitted my application for MIT, but I submitted all of mine within a week of their deadlines on Dec. 1st. I don't know if other schools do it the same way, but MIT was the only one where we had to specify faculty readers, so maybe it's taking some faculty longer than others to read the applications? Or they could have received more applications to read. I got a call from the professor I put down first in the list of faculty readers. The call from that professor and the official email I received both came later for me than for Edotdl or other people on the survey. The email they sent us after we submitted our application said we wouldn't hear until January, so maybe you'll hear next week!
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