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Posts posted by juliaghoulia

  1. Thanks everyone for the responses! I'm late replying because I didn't know anyone replied to my post. Here's an update- I brought up my tattoos in the meeting and my department head thought it was ludicrous anyone would make me cover them... I was completely shocked by how much personal expression and freedom they are allowing me with not only my dress, but also the cirriculum I will be teaching. Academia is great!

    Thanks again!

  2. Hi there! First time posting here. I will be a grad student and a ta starting in January (for a masters not a phd). I am probably an outlier here and may not get any responses, but I have tattoos and piercings and was wondering if it would be appropriate to inquire whether or not I should be covering them up for teaching. I will be meeting with the program head tomorrow to go over the assistantship and any questions I have. I currently work a full time job where I dress in long sleeve shirts and flip my septum into my nose while I am on the clock (which kind of sucks in the summer because it gets very hot where I live and leaving the office to go anywhere in a long sleeve shirt is a nightmare) . I completely understand it may be unprofessional to show these while teaching, but is it taboo to ask whether it is permitted? I don't want to make a bad impression for our first meeting about my assistantship.


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