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Posts posted by lilg1988

  1. Did anyone receive any funding from Northwestern?

    I saw some people on the results listing for speech say that they got e-mails about it (even the people that were declined funding). I hadn't heard anything via e-mail, so I called and was told I wasn't awarded any funding either. Oh well. Just thought I'd let you know though so that maybe if you haven't received an e-mail yet, you can call too. I contacted Cindy Coy at 847-491-5073. Good luck!

  2. happily accepted UNH's ( my undergrad school) offer of first year tuition waiver plus stipend, now i just got word (off waitlist) from U of WI at Madison ( my first choice school)- in state tuition, no stipend.

    have until next monday to decide...........any extra info about WI would be appreciated

    First of all, congrats on both of your acceptances! I'm just finishing up my undergrad in com dis at UW Madison and I absolutely love it here! The professors are fabulous and the town and campus are amazing! I was born and raised in Madison, always knowing I wanted to go to school here! It's a truly unique city! If it weren't for the fact that my fiance works in Illinois, I'd definitely love to stay here! Off to Northwestern for me, but I'll miss Madison (but we're keeping our season football tickets so we'll be coming back often!) Once you become a badger, you're a badger for life! Hope this helps even a little bit, and good luck making your decision!

  3. Finally all of my passion, hard work and dedication has paid off. After years of trying to get into graduate school, I'm accepted! I could not be more EXCITED!! It's a dream come true for me!! I just wanted to post and tell people to not give up on pursuing your dream! Do everything you can to make yourself stand out! Gain clinical experience, go back to school, talk to Professors, make yourself stand out in any way possible because I promise you a school will believe in you and want to accept you! I seriously don't know how these schools make all these decisions with 200-400+ applicants and only 20-40 spots. So for those of you still waiting it out or haven't been accepted yet....Don't Give Up on your Dream! Don't take "NO" for answer. I didn't and it paid off!! I wish you all the best in this field. You may have take a different path to get there, but it's worth it and in the end it will make you a better person, more experienced clinician, and an exceptional graduate student! :D Keep your head up and believe in yourself that you can make your dreams possible!! :)

    Congratulations!!! :D

  4. I actually feel better after reading this--I thought we were supposed to hear from Northwestern about funding at the beginning of the month, so I was worried when I didn't hear anything.

    Ditto! Thought I was officially out of the running since I hadn't heard yet. Thanks for the info!

  5. Here's an email I received recently regarding NW scholarships:

    "Departmental scholarships are offered to approximately ½ of admitted students. All admitted students are automatically considered; it is not necessary to apply for a departmental scholarship. Offers are made in “rounds.” The first round of offers will be made approximately April 1st and acceptances for that round will be due approximately April 15th. Based on the number of declines, we will then be able to make further offers.

    The scholarship amount offered to 1st year students is usually the same amount offered for the 2nd year of study. In rare cases, 2nd years receive a somewhat larger amount based on GPA and clinical performance."

    I've accepted admission to NW for next fall but I didn't get this e-mail about scholarships. :-(

    Does anyone know if that means that I'm not in the first "round"? Or if the e-mail will be coming to everyone eventually?


  6. Has anyone heard anything from RUSH yet? Also, does anyone know how they're notifying everyone about their decisions??

    Haven't heard from Rush yet either! I've crossed them off my list because I already accepted my admission offer from Northwestern, but I'd still like to know if I got into rush or not!

  7. Anybody hear from Teachers College? The waiting is killing me!

    Ok so I didn't apply to the teachers college, but do you mean the teachers college of columbia university? If so, I saw that someone posted this on the results page...

    To the other people anxiously waiting to hear from the Spe-Path Language program. I spoke to the department and they are still going over applications...she said because Spring Break is next week...they will probably be getting decisions down to admissions the week of the 23rd.....ARGH!!!!!

    Hope that helps! :D

  8. Any future speech and lang pathologists out there? What schools have you heard from? What schools are you still waiting to hear from?

    I've applied to:

    Northwestern University

    Rush University

    Northern Illinois University

    Still waiting to hear from all of them...

    Good luck to everyone! B)

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