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Posts posted by jdmer

  1. I've had two informal interviews now, and both times the professor followed up by sending me an email with a few of their papers that came up in conversation.

    I'm unsure about expectations now. The message from their side seems to be that this is to give me more information about our overlapping research interests. But, in reality, is there a subtext? Am I supposed to be reading these ASAP and try to email back with questions or thoughts? (I'm a bit time constrained due to multiple projects at the moment, so my preference would be to wait awhile, but if that's what I should be doing then I will.)

  2. After submitting most applications I was notified that I was accepted to present a poster and a datablitz talk. There were a couple of schools that provide a way to update your CV online, but most don't. Would it be appropriate to email admissions contacts at the other schools and ask if a new CV could be associated with my application?

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