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Posts posted by thunderbelly

  1. two of my reviews are absolutely glowing and one clearly didn't understand the proposal. It's hard to be unhappy with an honorable mention but geez... I can't help feeling like one poseur idiot kept me from this wonderful accomplishment.

    oh well, eh?

    EDIT: just read back over cherrifaery's woes. Sorry about that, cf. At least my idiot is an anonymous idiot. :(

  2. Sage advice, cogdiss! and congrats on your successful application. It really does seem like NSF is a lottery and a lottery that could use a much more competent IT guy.

    A friend of mine earlier described the NSF this way: "it's like academic groundhog day. it's a crapshoot and the outcome is arbitrary in some ways but it means the difference between an early spring or three more years of ramen noodle winter."

  3. on one hand, the tension is killing me and I need to know RIGHT NOW, but on the other hand the TENSION is KILLING ME and I NEED to KNOW RIGHT NOW!!!!!111!!!!!111!!! omg poniez

  4. I will not even have a youtube video of thunderbelly "eating his/her words," so to speak, to comfort me in those trying times.

    I'm tempted to toss Monday into the bargain too, but I so desperately want to know by Monday that I can't bring myself to do it. sorry.

    At least we can be reasonably confident that this is our last weekend of waiting. Next weekend my excuse for not working will be that I have to go through the grieving process for my rejected NSF bid. :|

  5. "we're just waiting on some final award confirmations."

    I can't figure out what that might mean. Final award confirmations? Maybe they do a final pass through everyone's application to check for eligibility or something? With whom might they otherwise need to confirm?

    I'm glad I won't have to consume any potentially toxic ink-jet output but I must admit that I was really, really hoping to be wrong. My faith in others' ability to make a deadline is low enough though that, to my mind, "Wednesday at the latest" probably means "Thursday if you're lucky but most likely Friday."

    My BF tells me I'm a sour puss and to get off the computer. :)

  6. thunderbelly - laser or inkjet? If it spans two pages, will you be printing double-sided?

    in the unlikely event that this becomes necessary? inkjet, single-sided, normal margins, 20lb bond inkjet paper.

  7. I'm not trying to be a killjoy here, by the way. I just hate the idea of hundreds of the smartest people in the country wasting a week of their lives calling NSF and hitting shift-reload in their web browsers. If only 52 of us do that then we've wasted an entire year of NSF-applicant quality brain power! Look how many reloads this thread has gotten already.

    I'm sure there's no way they'd update the site to include "or early April" if there were really any chance that the results would be out in March -- bureaucracies just don't work that way.

    If results come out tomorrow or Friday I will print out my NSF rejection e-mail, film myself eating it, post it to youtube, and link it from here.

  8. At least the revision suggests that we'll get our responses either tomorrow or Friday. Although I guess they've left themselves Monday as well.

    yes... and don't forget about "early April." It's most likely that they just never updated the outgoing voicemail message when they updated the web site.

  9. I imagine that right now about 10,000 people are obsessively clicking "reload" on that fastlane page to see if the menu of years changes. It's possible they only put up the "or April" thing to discourage some people and lower the load on the server. :)

    I'm confident I didn't get the NSF so I'm sort of enjoying the wait. Every day they don't post the results is another day they haven't rejected me (yet).

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