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Posts posted by teachermomolp

  1. Just called Harvard. Well, my crazy husband did... An admissions rep confirmed that all of the interview emails have gone out. If you did not already receive an email, you are not invited for an interview. Sorry folks. She also said that the more formal denial emails will be sent on March 26th. So there you have it. I hope I can put you out of some of your misery...

  2. The program is so new that I'm not sure the first year's cohort will be a valid representation of all of the different talent they're looking for.

    Also, please keep in mind that this is just a pilot year, so the cohort is small and the application pool was massive...the final numbers were just over 2000 applications for 25 spots. That's roughly a 1% admissions rate. Not getting into the pilot cohort certainly doesn't make anyone a failure.

    Whoa- the number of applicants is up to 2000 now? Where did you get that number? Last I heard, the pool was about 1000... Unbelieveable!

  3. At the info session I attended, they spoke enthusiastically about Dr. Elmore's book: Instructional Rounds. I was thinking that maybe the group activity might be something that had the candidates interact in a way similar to the rounds model explained in the book. Maybe observe a video of a classroom lesson and ask each group member what they noticed in terms of Elmore's concept of the "instructional core."

    I like student 04's attitude too. I am going crazy.

    One more day! At least it's sunny and 70 in San Diego :)

  4. Part of me feels like its getting late in the notification period and surely the interview invitations have gone out by now...then again, you would think that if that was the case, Harvard would post something on its web site at least to put us our of our misery.

    Again- if they want the candidates there MONDAY- 5 days away- how can they be notifying people this late? Surely someone has heard something...

  5. All right people- If I have to be to Boston on March 1st for an interview, they better well let me know pretty darn quickly! Am I supposed to get there with just a weekend's notice from California? I know this is the interview notification period, but I'm assuming that I'm not being invited because they certianly can't expect people to just jump on flights from all over the country, can they? I'm assuming this means a no for me... we all knew it was a snowball's chance in hell anyway, but, then again, SOMEONE has to get in! Might as well be one of us! Just post if anyone hears anything!

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