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Everything posted by southbound

  1. I had my interview on the 19th of March, and haven't heard anything. You?
  2. I started this hoping to get some people from the art therapy program to respond, but I don't know if there is a thread that already exists...and i haven't/can't find it? I also would like to understand the art workshop, just in terms of do they ask us to solve a problem, or draw and explain...? I would go dressed casual professional. Have you been yet SaiSa?
  3. Where can I find the other ArtTherapy majors? I have some questions re: application. Anybody out there? With the upload of your portfolio they want a description of the work. Does that mean it's significance to me? or what the piece is about? thanks
  4. Oh, another question. when they ask for a description of your individual pieces (portfolio), submitted, some are obvious, self portrait..., what about abstract. Do you say what it is to you? do you explain it's significance? ...
  5. Thanks, I reached out to Marygrace B, and she said yes, resume could be more than one page. Good luck, hope we get called for an interview!
  6. Hi new to this, hoping this starts a new thread!?, or atleast gets me in touch with a few in the program. Looking for some guidance on applying for the masters program. What is the interview and art tasks like. Did you keep your resume to bare bones or fairly detailed. Any definite no no's? Any info would be helpful, thanks.
  7. Thanks for the info Relm
  8. First time applying to Grad school, masters in art therapy. some general questions. As the bottom of this says "submit reply" am I asking my questions in the right place? Resume 1 page or 2 ok? Portfolio upload, does it need to be professionally shot?, sculpture/pottery, thown or hand sculpted? What is the interview and practical like? Any info welcome. Any definite no no's... if this info is already posted somewhere, let me know. Thanks
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