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Everything posted by stats_monte

  1. Thanks so much for the reply! UChicago's master is appealing to me mostly because of its relative small size, and the fact that there's no barrier for Master students (mostly). Their master students are practically allowed to do anything that their Ph.D. students are allowed to (class-wise). Also it is appealing that faculty members will work with their master students, which is NOT the case at all (at least at Stanford. I took two Ph.D. level classes there and one of their master students told me it is fairly hard for master students to talk to professors about research. Of course I believe there are some exceptions but that's the general case at Stanford) in almost any other same-tier master programs (Stanford, Berkeley, Harvard, etc)
  2. Hey I decided to attend Chicago too haha! And yes, it seems like a much more serious master program compared to most other same-tier programs (Of course I'm biased too). Look forward to meeting you in this fall!
  3. Until this point, I'm mainly choosing between NC State phd program and UChicago Master Program in statistics (and possibly UNC phd program since I know that I got waitlisted there). I also got waitlisted to a bunch of other schools (cornell, etc) but I don't really hold much hope for that. I really like the master program at UChicago because one has to do a master thesis and have a master advisor, which means that there is an explicit expectation that professors will work with master students. Some of their MS students do go on to their own phd program or elsewhere. So how is the master program at UChicago compared to other master programs? As another recent post suggests, is it a "cash cow"? (I know master program in some degree is cash cow for its respective phd program, so I guess I'm just wondering how "cash cow" it is?). It is shocking to know that there are around 280 students graduating from Columbia master program every year, considering there are only about 50 students in Chicago's program...
  4. I know it is a US news top-15 department, but does anyone have any insights about how good the department is? Is the department more focused on theory or application? PS: I am a Ph.D applicant
  5. No. Do they send out admissions in batches or just at once?
  6. Thanks a lot Stats2016! I hope you will receive some good news in the upcoming five schools. Don't lose hope! That makes sense. Thanks.
  7. Yeah plus all the European schools (as far as I know) all require a MS degree. How's your application season going?
  8. Oh of course take all the time you need to make the best decision. What I meant is if you decide that you are not gonna attend, please let the department know asap. Otherwise good luck with the decision! By the way, do you have a MS degree? I looked at UBC and Toronto's websites and they all require (or suggest) applicants to have a MS degree.
  9. Congrats! Are you planning to attend Cornell? Pleeeease turn it down if you don't intend to go. I got waitlisted by Cornell and it's my first choice. Thanks so much!!!!
  10. Yes, I'm only applying to stats programs.
  11. I have been pretty nervous about the result too. Will probably call them tomorrow. You are probably right. Faculty search should come first for those departments.
  12. Yeah also someone was rejected from Chicago (based on the GradCafe) so we should still just wait for the result! And same here, I don't really know what's the deal with Harvard Stats. But I wasn't hoping to get in to begin with So you are applying to both biostats and stats?
  13. At least I haven't heard anything. It's pretty weird that the results come out pretty late this year. Did you call them or email them?
  14. Do you think they send out acceptances throughout a period of time or at the same time? I know Chicago considers applicants in batches, but it seems like Harvard sends out all admission letters just in one day (I'm just speculating based on the results from the previous years).
  15. Still have not heard from the UW statistics department yet... Rejections were even sent out around this time last year.. Has anyone heard from them until this point?
  16. congrats brewing16! Just to make sure,are you refering to the stats department or the biostats program?
  17. Congrats localfdr! I didn't apply for the biostatistics department---I applied for the statistics department. the result should be coming out today, but there's nothing on the results search.
  18. Based on the previous years' data, UW has been releasing the results around this time every year. Has anyone heard from them?
  19. Just saw on the results search that someone got a admission letter from NC State. I'm a little worried now
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