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Everything posted by marg37

  1. @oneagain they emailed me at 12:45pm central time. They posted a status update that I accessed through my regular application login.
  2. Waitlisted at Columbia University. Got an email today.
  3. @sissy_vicious I was accepted to Printmedia as well! I'm so so excited.
  4. @AKW94did you get any sense of when SAIC will notify printmedia applicants during your interview today?
  5. @oneagain no word yet. I didn't expect word until at least a week following the interview.
  6. I thought the interview was good as well. I was honestly underwhelmed by the facilities and the way they presented the program. As the most expensive program I applied to, I guess I thought they would have more space and equipment. I also felt this overall vibe that I was just lucky to be there, and every other school I've interviewed with has made a major effort to show interviewees why it's a special place. They didn't give out so much as an informational packet at Columbia. Sorry, this is a lot of words! I'm glad your interview went well. I honestly just don't think Columbia is for me, and it bums me out when schools don't acknowledge what a major decision this is for their applicants. It's not a no-brainer for everyone when tuition is over $55,000 a year.
  7. I honestly thought it fell short! Which committee did you interview with?
  8. Thank you! This is super helpful.
  9. Does anyone have tips for traveling with work via plane? Need to bring some prints to NYC this week and I'm not sure how best to do so. I'm thinking transport in tube and then buy a flat portfolio there? I wonder if I can bring prints in a mailing tube as a carry-on......
  10. I'm not seeing much action from VCU on the forum yet, I wonder what the deal is?
  11. What do you guys think are the most important details to get organized in my brain before heading into interviews? Suddenly I'm feeling super nervous!
  12. Hi All! Did any VCU applicants receive a confirmation email after they submitted their supplemental app? I submitted the university app as well as the supplemental successfully, but it's making me nervous that I haven't received any formal confirmation email. Just figured I'd ask before I bother their admissions office. Thanks everyone!
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