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Posts posted by ksgrad

  1. I declined Purdue yesterday. My email to the grad chair went without acknowledgment for the past three weeks. Since yesterday was the deadline, I figured no communication wasn't exactly a good sign - both for funding and my potential experience at Purdue.

    I'm officially down to Kansas and Bowling Green. Neither required me to make a decision yesterday, so I'm still holding on to both and hoping a TA position will come through soon. However, since the email I sent to Kansas last week about BG's tuition waiver hasn't been responded to, I'm about 90% sure I'm heading to Ohio in August.

    Good luck all!

  2. At this point, I'm pretty sure my decision is between Kansas and Bowling Green.

    BG offered a four-year tuition waiver, and I'm waiting to hear about a TA position with Women's Studies or Ethnic Studies. I'd be psyched about either! I've told Kansas about the offer, and am waiting to see if they can match it (or come close), since I really, really liked their faculty and Lawrence.

    Anyone else still grappling with a decision?

  3. Oddly enough Purdue is the one school I haven't heard anything from at all. On the website it says "Under Review" haha I think these admins are a bit screwy. Won't send out info about funding or even a notification about whether someone hasn't gotten in. Lameee.

    Obviously Rutgers is the place for you, and I'm sure Purdue would be out regardless. At this point, you may want to contact and see what's up. The only reason I say that is because when I applied for my M.A., the grad school never actually sent my application to the department, and it was not considered. The university ended up refunding my application fee. I know that's probably a rare occurrence, but you never know... I wouldn't mind getting a few of my application fees back this time around :) And a serious congrats on Rutgers. What an amazing offer!

  4. Yay! I've had an informal admittance call from the director over at Rutgers this morning! The funding is of course an issue (story of everyone's lives it seems) But I think either way I'm going! It's my dream school! :D

    Fantastic! That's such great news, and what a great way to start the weekend. Congratulations!

  5. Did Bowling Green tell you in the acceptance that there was no funding or was that something that you had to contact the department to find out? I just got accepted, but the acceptance came via snail mail and from the Director of Admissions. And, I really have no idea what's going on in this whole process. Excited for an acceptance, but still completely confused.

    Hi! Congrats on the acceptance; so glad to hear from someone else who applied to BGSU. I called the department for a status update about a week ago. The director told me I'd been accepted, but was on a wait list for funding. I'd suggest calling. You may receive more positive news!

    What other programs did you apply to or are you considering? Is BG near the top of the list for you? I'm definitely considering the program, though would be more likely to commit if I knew I had funding.


  6. I wonder why its taking so long for what I assume is a rejection from purdue for me...and also what I hope against hope is an acceptance from Rutgers

    I'm not sure what the deal is with Rutgers, but you may want to contact the grad director (Susan Curtis) at Purdue. She's responded to my emails pretty quickly.

    Hope you get good news from both!

  7. The board has been so quiet! Are people still waiting on responses or starting to make decisions?

    I've heard from all of my schools at this point. I'm now waiting on some funding news. I think my final decision will come down to Kansas, Bowling Green and Purdue. Is anyone else considering one of these schools? I'd love to connect.

  8. I would echo this sentiment. You had a great round this year, it really seems like you could reapply next year and be even more successful now that you know the process. Think about where your writing sample could go...the time you could spend reading up on professors and crafting an SoP that really shows off your 'fit.' If trying to get funding out of your current options doesn't work out, I wouldn't give up on American Studies just yet, especially if you love it -- there are definitely programs out there that fund. That being said, I wouldn't go into debt to get a degree in it, especially given the challenges an interdisciplinary degree presents on the job market. Once your done with your PhD, there may be a few years of uncertainty as you try to land somewhere; that process already seems stressful enough, I can't imagine that adding debt concerns to it will do you any favors.

    Thanks for your thoughts. I am hopeful that funding is still out there, and I know I don't want to take out major loans to work on my PhD. I have two M.A. degrees that I self funded, and (rightfully or not) feel that I've earned the right to expect a funded PhD. I think I'm going to wait it out until April 15, and see if my prospects don't improve in the meantime.

  9. ugh, I'm so sorry, I was typing my previous note when this one showed up. I'm so sorry, Kate - maybe you should start telling these schools that you have other offers and ask if there is any type of funding they can offer to entice you?? I'm kind of at a loss, but it doesn't make sense that you are clearly a good student and were accepted to so many programs - but that no one is offering funding. I feel like you might need to start making phone calls and seeing what they can do for you....?


    I know. I would have understood if one or two schools had indicated they couldn't provide funding, but I'm in total shock it's every school where I've been accepted. Frankly, I wish they'd just put me on a wait list.

    I spoke with the grad director at Buffalo, who made it very clear that I shouldn't expect funding at any point, and that many of their students work off-campus and self fund. I feel like taking out at least 15K/year in loans is not a good financial decision. The grad chair at Purdue told me they'd contact me immediately if they could put together a funding package. Kansas has suggested maybe/some point/keep looking (which I am). And, Bowling Green, told me I wasn't on their funding list, but could potentially hear something by July. I need to make a major move; if BG is where I end up, I'd like more warning to find a place to live than July.

    Basically, the message across the board has been "we'd love to have you, but can't offer you any support." So, not only is it about loans, but then I'm not even getting teaching experience, which is so critical to the job market.

  10. I've yet to here. I called the department two weeks ago yesterday. The admin was very short with me and indicated letters were going out that day. Clearly, that was not true, as it's been two weeks and no news. Frankly, I'm sure it's a rejection at this point, but I'm less than impressed that it's taken over three months to communicate a decision.

  11. oh, just saw this recent posting.. I'm so glad your visit went well. And I'm sorry to hear about the lack of funding at Buffalo!

    Did KU give you any indication when the 'uncertainty' surrounding funding may resolve?? 2-3 years isn't ideal, but it's better than no funding. And after 2-3 years you would probably be finished with coursework and able to apply for research and dissertation grants. What did the current grad students say about the funding situation?

    Hey Kate- I saw your post about Columbia; congrats on the decision (or near decision!). Do you live in New York now? I spent two years in Brooklyn while working on my M.A. If you're new(er) to the city and have any questions, let me know. Regardless, so exciting!

    As for Kansas, current grad students indicated that most PhD students seems to get 2-3 years of funding throughout, though not necessarily during the first year. The graduate director continues to emphasize that I need to be ambitious and secure my own funding, and that they believe it's possible for something to come through by second semester. Essentially, it left me feeling that if I move across country, I'm self-funding (with lots of loans) with the hope they can help me out at some point. Definitely not what I'd hoped to hear.

    I'm not sure if I should eventually commit to a program -even without funding- and hope that I can get some money by fall semester. I know programs rarely allow you to defer, but I'm also considering asking if that's an option, and hoping that funding is available next year. To be honest, I never considered the possibility of acceptance letters coming without any funding...and three at that. Not even sure where to start.

    End of my rant. Again, CONGRATS on Columbia!


  12. I spent the past few days in Lawrence, and really liked KU! There are a number of faculty whose research interests align with my project, and the grad students were really helpful in providing insight about the strengths and weaknesses of the department. The drawback: funding still remains uncertain and it seems that even those students who are funded are only likely to receive assistance for 2 or 3 years.

    Also, I returned home to find a letter from Buffalo indicating that they cannot offer funding at this time. And, still no offer for funding from Purdue.

    Three acceptances and no funding. I really don't know what to do it at this point. Do I commit to a school and hope that I can find a funding option before fall semester? Is anyone considering accepting multiple offers and waiting to see how things pan out (I know it's a poor idea - just wondering if anyone has considered it or knows of others who have)?

    Would love to hear thoughts...

  13. I just heard that I'm accepted at Buffalo! No news on funding (story of my life, it seems), but I'm super thrilled by this news. Buffalo --along with Bowling Green-- is one of my top three schools. Yea!

    A teaching assistantship would make the emotional craziness of this application season all worth it. Here's to hoping...

  14. I attend Bowling Green currently, and while I am an English student I spend most of my time doing work in ACS (in fact, many of the English profs are cross-listed as ACS profs). It's an excellent program and I have my fingers crossed for you.

    Thanks! I've got my hopes up, and would really love an acceptance (with funding) from BG. It's been in my top three all along, as it's a great fit with my research interests. Hopefully the dept will agree!

  15. Earlier you said you feel like this visit is to "prove that you're worthy" - which i think is a really shitty way to make an ACCEPTED doctoral student feel. You have been accepted to the program - there is no more proving that you are worthy. Funding should be on a merit or need basis once you are accepted, not on anything else. I'm just saying this so that you don't go on your visit (that you are funding) and feel like it is going to be a make-it-or-break-it kind of audition for funding. In fact, my advice would be to ask about the procedures of applying for/obtaining funding for school again - before you go on the visit, so that while you are there you can really focus on the content of the program and matches with faculty.

    I think a lot of schools are short on funding, especially state universities. I know when Buffalo emailed me, there didn't even seem to be something to compete for, they just made it sound very matter-of-fact that there isn't funding to go around. But other schools may have limited funding opportunities (TAships, RAships, work study), that are allocated based on merit (or need, for work-study).

    I hope that you hear positive news about funding from the schools you are considering - and I hope that your visit goes really well!

    Thanks for the pep talk and vote of confidence, Kate. I needed it!

  16. That seems really odd to me. I don't understand--what happens if you can't go? Weird. Obviously they're not asking me, since I'm in Turkey and I'm definitely not coming back to the States for an unfunded "see if you fit" visit.

    Well, I asked in my initial email about both funding and a trip to campus. By the latter, I meant an admitted student weekend, but they don't seem to offer one. There seemed to be some reservations about my interest or commitment to an interdisciplinary program, and whether it was the best fit for my research interests. I truly believe it is, and will make every effort to emphasize that when on campus, as I did during the phone call.

    I don't know what that means for those who cannot visit campus...maybe they are more confident in your applications, and it will have no impact!

  17. Sorry for the third post in a row! I spoke with the administrative assistant at Bowling Green. She indicated that the committee won't start meeting until next week, so decisions probably won't arrive until the end of the month. Just fyi...in case anyone is interested.

  18. And the hits just keep on coming. KU wants me to travel to Lawrence to meet with faculty and ensure this will be a good fit. I am excited to visit and have a chance to meet faculty and current grads (it's an unfunded trip). Yet, this feels like an interview to prove I'm worthy, even though I've been admitted, albeit no guarantee yet on funding. Anyone else experiencing something like this, whether KU or elsewhere?

    I'm so happy to have two acceptance letters, but they honestly both feel like a waitlist, since I'm totally in limbo.

  19. Congratulations, Kate! :D

    Thanks! I was pretty excited. Of course, I had to email the department with questions, only to hear that funding is tight and they'll contact me immediately if they can put together a package. Sigh. Back to waiting, and from Kansas too. I always thought an acceptance to a PhD program came with funding or they wouldn't extend an offer. I'm learning that is not true. For now, half way there!

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