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Posts posted by hankal

  1. Hello,

    My GRE date is less than one month away.. Luckily, I do not find major difficulties studying as I can assess my flaws and work on them. However, the writing tasks are too difficult to assess by oneself and I would really love to hear a feedback from your community.

    this is my first argument analysis task and I am eager to see you evaluating it.

    This is the task:

    Twenty years ago, Dr Field, a noted anthropologist, visited the island of Tertia and concluded from his observations that children in Tertia were reared by an entire village man their Ining in the own biological parents. However, may recent with children group of islands that includes Tertia show that these children spend more time talking about their biological parents than about other adults in the village. This research of mine proves that Dr. Field's conclusion about Tertian village culture is invalid and thus that the observation-centered approach to studying cultures is invalid as well. The interview centered method that my team of graduate students is currently using in Tertia will establish a much more accurate understanding of child-rearing traditions there and in other island cultures." write a response in which you discuss what specific evidence is needed to evaluate the argument and explain how the evidence would weaken or strengthen the argument

    My response was the following:

    The writer claims that interview-centered approach is more efficient and valid than Mr. Field’s observation-centered approach for studying cultures. The argument is based on the assumption that because children talk about their biological parents more than other adults; it will follow that their parents are the ones who raised them. However, this argument is flawed because it lacks evidences and it manipulates the case in an irrelevant way.


    The writer concludes that interview-centered approach is the most accurate approach for studying culture. This conclusion is drawn based on the assumption that talking about their biological parents means that Tertian children are reared by these biological parents. Nonetheless, the writer does not provide any evidence that talking a lot about parents mean that they were responsible for rearing the children, although providing similar evidence would have strengthened the argument. In addition, the writer states that all outcomes were derived from interviews with children, but he never states anything about interviews with elder age groups. I believe that such a research would yield biased results because it does not take into account different perspectives and it does not use a representative sample.


    Based on the above assumptions, the writer states that Mr. Field study is invalid and, thus, the observation-centered approach does not work for culture studies. The reasoning behind this conclusion is not sound because even if Mr. Field’s study did not reveal accurate results, the approach cannot be invalidated consequently. The writer refutes Mr. Field’s study without mentioning its outcomes. Moreover, He believes that his approach is more valid based on his own point of view; nevertheless, the argument does not provide a neutral judgement for both approaches.


    I think that providing any clue about the general behaviors and traditions of adult and children population in Tertian Islands would have led to a resolution. For instance, if most children behave in very similar ways the conclusion that rearing is held by the entire village could be strengthened. In contrary, if children from different families behave in radically diverse ways the assumption that biological parents are responsible for raising their children would have been validated. On another hand, the study of Mr. Field was held twenty years before the interview-centered study. This fact makes the comparison unfair unless sufficient details were provided on how the community evolved within this time period.


    I am waiting for your comments :)


  2. Hello,

    Thanks for your great efforts is this forum.

    This is my first written task.
    The question was:
    "The best way to teach is to praise positive actions and ignore negative ones. discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the recommendation and explain your reasoning for the position you take. Describe specific circumstances in which adopting the recommendation would or would not be advantageous and explain how the examples shape your position"

    and that was my essay:
    Teaching is a noble job that gives a person the privilege to prepare the coming generations for the mission of building their countries and societies. Various theories and studies have been set to find out the best approaches to teaching. One claim states that the best teaching method involves complimenting good deeds and overseeing negative ones. In my opinion, an obsequious punishment free environment does not allow for real learning to take place. Praising good actions and forgiving mistakes is very important but it must be preceded by highlighting those mistakes and showing that they were wrong.

    Rewarding learners for the good things they do and ignoring their bad deeds has so many consequences. Once students feel safe from penalty, they would find wrongdoing easy. In addition, they will not learn how to differentiate between approved and disapproved behaviors. Punishment is a great teaching method if utilized and used wisely. It allows learners to understand that bad things do not go easily and they have to be corrected. It lets them know that there are limits and ethics that should not be breached. If students are always shown approval and are always applauded for how great they are, belief that whatever they do is fine will be entrenched in their minds. The carrot and stick strategy would be very efficient in creating some sort of balance. Learners will learn that every action has its own implication; good things are praised and bad things are bad things are disapproved.

    From my experience in working at schools and with students, I can tell that compliment solely never teaches. In fact, I had a student who was very smart and active in class; however, she used to laugh at her classmates who do not get right answers. At the beginning, I used to thank her for her great efforts I the class and try to turn a blind eye on her misbehavior. But the problem aggravated with time and her bad manners became so prominent. Later on, I started showing her disapproval and that being good in certain aspects does not mean that whatever she does is acceptable. She showed resistance at the beginning, but after a while, she became more modest in her behavior and she realized that insulting others is not an acceptable behavior.

    To sum up, complimenting good actions is a substantial method to enhance learning; nonetheless, it must be balanced by rejecting bad actions. Praise alone could inhibit learning and make students arrogant and unable to assess their performance and behavior.

    I would really appreciate any feedback about this essay.

    Thank you!

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