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Everything posted by mswmbapp

  1. Heard from a friend from Uoft that summer and fall classes and practicum will be done virtually as per federal regulations. There will be a possibility that winter 2020 classes will be conducted virtually as well. And universities across Canada will do the same as per the management
  2. Due to the corona virus going on, all classes have been moved online and most internships for SW are paused. I think many decisions will be late this year to accommodate students who are affected with this disruption.
  3. UBC Social Work is such a joke! I did my undergrad there and there’s lots of racism around the faculty. And there’s no guarantee you will learn something or even graduate in time due to professors or instructors leaving in the middle of the semester. Wont recommend it!
  4. Message me and ill give you some insider tips for uoft. Current advance standing student here.
  5. To be honest, MSW part time at Laurier is highly competitive. You’re competing against 400 of applicants with above average GPAs and years of experience. With your experience, I suggest you can apply for full time MSW all over Canada or you can take the post-BSW program.
  6. There’s still hope until end of August according to previous years.
  7. Anyone knows what kind of books they use at UofT MSW? Lets connect or please send link or pdf. Thank you so much!
  8. I have a questions about UOFT deposit payments. Which modd of payment did you use? According to the recent email you can only do it via certified cheques and money order. My bank doesn’t do certified cheques anymore and I went to Canada Post to use moneygram but the worker told me that they couldn’t do it because it was deemed fraudulent.
  9. Also did the same thing yesterday. 2 spots will be open ?
  10. Hello, is there a facebook group/page for UOFT MSW Advanced Standing 2019?
  11. So I got into Waterloo and it’s my back up school. The thought of staying in my home province while completing my MSW and working part time is kind of nice. Any thoughts on Waterloo’s MSW program? Faculty? The course work?
  12. I’m sorry that you didn’t get into the schools you applied at this year. We have almost the same experience but I didn’t TA. However, I have somewhat okay experience doing research. My tip is to concentrate on your personal statement and the people you ask for references. I made my personal statement very personal while talking about topics related to social work. And i also advised my references to talk about specifically on my skills and attributes that are connected to my concentration. Hope that helps.
  13. Perfect! That’s a huge help. I just dm’d you! ?
  14. This is kind of an advance question. Does anyone know if UofT MSW professors request lots of textbooks for their classes? Just want to assess the future expenses and stuff.
  15. My deadline is on March 19th.
  16. Can someone please post a screenshot of their acceptance on Quest at Waterloo? Thank you.
  17. Congrats! How did you find out you’re accepted at Waterloo? Quest? Thank you.
  18. I had a reference who stopped responding to my email two weeks before it’s due. I know how stressful it is. You want to remind them but you feel like they’re not obligated to do anything for hou. I had to change this professor to a new reference a week before the deadline. lol I didn’t want to risk it.
  19. It looks like it is credited by CSWE (America). CSWE and CASWE have mutual agreements on accreditation, which mean that program will be accredited in Canada. The only con I see is the high cost of tuition.
  20. In previous years, if you don’t see an “invite” in the dashboard it is likely waitlisted or rejected. And since you applied for the 2 year program, they usually hear around march-may during the second wave of admissions. So people who applied for the 2 year program and get admitted will see the INVITED during those months.
  21. You have to be press “dashboard” so you’ll be on the home page. Under “Academics”, you’ll see if you are invited or not.
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