I relate to the stress eating, but don't assume the worst yet. So much really comes down to the vagaries of fit--you can't predict how things are going to work out!
I think the best thing to do is ask the programs that waitlisted you about how their waitlists work and have worked in previous years. From what I know, this is considered perfectly acceptable as long as you do it politely.
I talked to Berkeley, and they are sending out decisions this week. Whether these are only rejections at this point, or there are some acceptances still to be sent, was not made clear to me.
I'm also still waiting on Berkeley and am surprised I haven't received any news yet--hopefully they aren't just dragging their feet when it comes to sending out the rejections. I'm also curious about Stanford from whom I also haven't heard anything. All I know there is that someone claimed an invitation to a recruitment weekend at the end of January.
Perhaps, it's overly optimistic of me not to assume that these are both implied rejections?
Congrats to the recent Brown acceptance! If this person has any questions on the program, please let me know. I did my undergrad there and would be happy to discuss the school and in particular the faculty.
Thanks, @blueoctavo! I was one of those acceptances. I wish I could help you, but, unfortunately, there was nothing in my acceptance to indicate where the committee stood in the review process. I hope you hear soon, and best of luck!