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Everything posted by notthatgood

  1. http://cla.umn.edu/about/directory/profile/schurman
  2. Thank you! Why don't they draft an e-mail and send it to rejected applicants straight away? It takes 10 minutes. They should have done this a month ago.
  3. Has anyone been officially rejected by UNC yet?
  4. Congratulations on your Brown admission, @goofylemon. I applied there but got rejected. I think it is a wonderful program. For what it's worth I actually gave positive reputation to one of your previous posts even though I disagreed. I totally understand your position and agree to disagree. But for me, I would only prefer Brown to a Top-10 department if it would make me physically closer to my family and my girlfriend. I am an international student, will be thousands of km's away anyway, so probably not. If that Top-10 is less of a fit with my research interests, well, I can always adjust them.
  5. Thanks for warning. Half of the people asked would consider it Top-20 while the other half would consider it Top-30. That's what I meant. I know it's very arbitrary.
  6. You are still waiting to hear from Princeton, right? You don't know what will happen. You could have applied more widely of course, but I am sure you had good reasons not to do so. At least you have some marketable skills you can use outside academia. As a mid-20s qual-oriented soc grad, I don't have much. I just needed to get in one way or another.
  7. Hi everyone! I am a long time lurker. Just wanted to say thanks to all contributors. Knowing that there are people out there going through the same process helped me feel less isolated in the past few weeks. In the last 4-5 hours I have gone through the entire five stages of grief after seeing that NYU admissions went out. It was my last chance to get into Top-20, after four rejections last week. I thought I was a good fit, and made sure the adcom could realize that I was a good fit, plus established a contact with a POI, who was really really encouraging. It didn't happen but I am lucky that I already have an offer with decent funding from a Top-25-ish department. For those who are empty-handed, I am almost certain you will do much better next cycle (unless you decide to do something else with your life) thanks to this year's experience. This forum has helped me a lot figure out how I could have improved my applications, I am sure you all feel the same. I know if I was to have another shot at this I would do much much better. And congratulations to all those who are accepted. Especially those of you who got multiple Top-10 offers in addition to multiple Top-20's. Impressive.
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