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Everything posted by Bookaddict

  1. Hey guys! I got into USC Annenberg's School of Comm for a Masters in Comm Management, but with no funding. I also got into UIUC with complete funding and a TA position that pays around $16K a year (not a lot, I know, but hey it's better than nothing). UIUC is also my alma mater. I'm originally from California, so I know what the cost of living is like, and I'm used to the environment. I love California and I know my family wants me to come back to CA and go to USC for grad school, but I'm super torn because UIUC has offered me a good deal when it comes to funding. Plus it has a fantastic comm program as well, and I know a lot of the faculty. I don't know much about USC, so I am going to visit, but I was wondering if anyone else has had any experience with USC's Graduate Comm program and can let me know what you liked/disliked about it? That would help so much because I'm having a tough time here. Thank you (and good luck to everyone else trying to make a decision!)
  2. Yess! Better Call Saul is actually really good (considering I was in love with Breaking Bad)!
  3. No I haven't! I will definitely be sure to watch it now though- I was in need of new anime suggestions in any case
  4. @FoxAndChicken Aha, I spent an entire day lying on my couch and binge watching depressing anime shows because it's taking so long to hear back from universities…I skipped classes and refused to move from the couch. Needless to say, after a day of moping, I feel a lot better (marginally, actually)… Good luck to you and all my other fellow applicants!
  5. I applied to five schools. Heard back from one- it was a fully funded acceptance (yay!) but I'm going insane now waiting for the remaining. Getting that first decision early on is both a blessing and a curse. Blessing because at least I got in somewhere; a curse because I hadn't even given the grad school decision process a thought once I submitted all my apps… I submitted them and moved on with life, trying to finish undergrad studies and what not…but now, getting that first decision email has made everything a reality and I can't think of anything else. ARGH!
  6. A little background first: As an undergrad that's graduating a year early (only 3 years of undergrad, heck yes!), my mom kept asking me to give grad school a try. The result was that I made up my mind to apply literally 2 months before the deadlines. Last minute running around for LoRs, taking the GRE without studying (or knowing what they were), etc. It was a maddening few months. Fast forward a bit to a day ago. I was chilling and watching anime (yes, I know…very nerdy). It was an incredibly emotional anime, so had a few tears running down my cheeks. Suddenly my phone buzzed and I noticed (through red, swollen eyes) that I got a new email, so to give myself a small break from the emotional hell I was putting myself through, I checked it. When I saw the word "Congratulations from [uni name]", I began bawling my eyes out. The thing was, with a meh GPA, a pretty average GRE score, and last minute running around applying for grad school, I never once considered that I'd get into any of the schools I applied to, let alone getting a fully funded offer from one of the top universities. I immediately called my mom, sniffling and still sobbing (she thought I had hurt myself or something…you can imagine the confusion), and managed to somehow relay the news to her through snot, tears and incoherent babbling. It was definitely a moment I'm never going to forget.
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