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Posts posted by nell1099

  1. So I'm starting at UTK this fall and I knew nothing about the city and literally had a few hours to find an apartment seeing as I won't be able to get back until August, when move in/classes start. I decided on an apartment in Fort Sanders area because it was the only place that seemed within walking distance to campus. (I'm from a small town, the whole college was about two blocks so you walked literally everywhere) But the more I read about it the more I see that there is more crime in that area and that it is party central for undergraduates. Have I made a huge mistake picking this neighborhood...? I didn't want to deal with driving because ultimately I don't want to have to pay for a parking pass or bus pass. Also, any information about the town in general would be greatly appreciated! I'll pretty much have never explored before I move in. 

  2. On 4/1/2016 at 10:45 PM, TigerMem said:

    I forgot to ask, those of you who will be living on your own/renting, what month do you plan to/did you move into your places?

    I've found an apartment, but I'm on the fence about when to apply/begin my lease. I live with my parents currently and there's no "deadline" for me to move out, but I'm ready to leave the nest. (I'm in my mid twenties and it will be my first time living on my own. I stayed home during undergrad, with no regrets.) Part of me wants to apply/sign my lease next month (May), but the frugal part of me wants wait to move until July, allowing me to save a little more money during those couple of months. 

    Any input? 

    I'm actually starting my MSSW this fall at UTK too! Get psyched. But I'm moving from another state and personally won't even be moving in until August. I'm 23 and lumped myself in with the undergrad area because it was closer and semi cheaper. (I might regret this...) I would recommend milking it at your parents for as long as you can because grad school won't be kind on our wallets. I'm not moving up until later because I'll be traveling up until the day I move in. (late reply because I'm just finding this website :P)

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