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Everything posted by HinH

  1. I just started reading the Professor is in. Highly recommend for any graduate student. Pithy, yet practical advice that destroys many myths that perpetuate the academic job market. Also am reading Jared Farmer's Trees in Paradise about California horticulture history and trees - both native and exotic. Quite good, but an interesting organization of the text.
  2. I actually ended up breaking the page limits on all of my applications - due in part to a large number of images. However, what I was continually told (because I was worried about being automatically rejected) was that as long as going over makes sense and isn't just drivel, they won't automatically reject the application. Nevertheless, I'd email the DGS and POI to triple check. I chose a section of my thesis that showcased original research with primary sources while engaging with new and innovative sources/analysis. I probably went through 4-6 edits with my long-suffering committee to get the writing sample where it needed to be. Chose whatever showcases your research and original thoughts the best. Ask about page limits - ask your thesis advisors or close friends what they think. They know your writing.
  3. Thank you I think one of the biggest things that dragging me down is I really want to attend one program but they are offering me less money than another school. I'm afraid of feeling guilty for turning down the better monetary package, particularly when budgets are shrinking for the humanities.
  4. Is it normal to feel burdened with this decision? I've got two excellent programs to choose from, yet I feel literally sick to my stomach and upset with the idea of making a decision by Friday. I passed all my exams last week, but have no feeling of excitement, just dread. I know without a doubt that I want to get my PhD but my decision is keeping me up at night.
  5. The faculty thing is also a complicating factor. School A has well known faculty, with a consistent record of successful PhD students, who I really connect with well. School B has a wide range of faculty that would provide minute but valuable guidance to my potential research. In other words, School A has more prestigious faculty, but School B faculty would more precisely fit my potential research but not by much. Thanks guys, this decision is slightly agonizing. In part because I want to stay in my field for the rest of my life, and don't want to make things awkward.
  6. So I'm facing a conundrum that I'm hoping you all can help me with. I've received several offers from a few places. One place, school A, is a powerhouse in my chosen historical field, and another isn't, school B. However, school B has offered a prestigious fellowship that doubles my funding for the first year. But, school A guaranteed 5 years of funding and school B guaranteed 3. I should also say that School A has given me two separate research scholarships that I can choose when I want to use them. They also have a better placement rate. Any thoughts? I'm torn because of the better money up-front but School A is so great and well known.
  7. I'm in good company! I received my rejection yesterday as well. Odd, considering I received very positive feedback from POIs there.
  8. No, you're not the only one. It's quite a difficult decision. All my advisors I talk to emphasize across the board funding but it's still an agonizing decision.
  9. I've heard through the grapevine that Oregon typically does not get their notifications out until at least the first week of March.
  10. Is UC Davis done? I've not heard anything from them - no waitlist, rejection, nothing. It'd be nice to know one way or the other.
  11. Haha right?!?! Although there are some schools that I'm willing to bet that there are graduate committees haven't even met yet. I can't even imagine the nightmare of scheduling everyone, getting feedback from POI on applicants, etc.
  12. What if there is not a visitation weekend? Any advice for choosing between programs? Especially as I'm attempting to finish my thesis, prep for comps, teach, etc.
  13. Has anyone heard from University of Arizona or know anything about their timeline? I was looking through the results and in past years their decisions were normally out by now.
  14. Thanks, I'll definitely do that when I know more!
  15. Oh I hope so, thank you!
  16. OU
  17. Emailed. The email was from the graduate school and stated that the history department would be contacting me about funding. But I haven't heard from the department yet (although I may be jumping the gun a bit - I only got the email late last afternoon)
  18. Quick question being as I'm so new to this: What does it mean when there is "recommended for admittance" change on the website application but I haven't heard from a department about funding? Does that mean no funding or the department is waiting to tell me? I'm actually a little blown out of water, this was a reach program for me. What I'm concerned about is that I was admitted without funding.
  19. Long time lurker here - is snail mail pretty standard for rejections? I haven't received any emails from any of the programs I've applied to. I realize it's quite early to be worried but I'm very stressed about not being admitted to a program.
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