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Everything posted by ohyeahiknow

  1. I got accepted via email to RIT's Imaging Arts (photo) program with a bunch of funding--no interview. I'm super relieved--I thought I was going to be trying again next year!
  2. Me too! I've gotten three rejections so far, and am still waiting on RIT and SVA (photo). Looking at admitted and current students to the programs I applied for, it seems like they were all farther along career-wise than I am right now. So, I'm thinking I just need to focus on creating work for a solid year outside of the confines of undergrad work and re-apply for next year.
  3. Have any photo applicants heard from RIT or SVA yet? RIT has told me my application was sent to the admissions committee on 2/9 and that I should receive a response within 4-6 weeks of that time, but this wait is terrible.
  4. Aw man, Yale, just send me the rejection email already...
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