Hey everyone! A friend recommended me this website because I'm not sure what my next step should be.
I am interested in getting into a Masters Program for Japanese (the Language, not literature), but here is some information about my educational background.
I have a Bachelors in English (with a pretty bad GPA: 3.06 Overall *this was the result of taking a science major for the first two years, and I ended up switching my major to English when I realized I rather focus on a subject I actually liked*). So, I already know I'm in pretty bad shape for a Masters program at the moment.
My dream goal is to be a Japanese Language professor in an American university.
I have taken 2 years of Japanese language during college, and I absolutely loved it! I have only 2 recommendation letters from my Japanese professors. I have been to Japan two times (2 weeks in total), and I taught in South Korea to get teaching experience. Originally, I was aiming to get into JET and obtain fluency first, but I'm still confused with my position in life, and I'd like to know which seems more ideal and realistic.
I'm currently teaching English online for a pretty popular company, so my teaching experience is continuing to progress. I also have 1 recommendation letter from the Korean middle school I taught at last year, if that helps with anything. (Although, to be frank, the letter is pretty simple and poorly written in English).
A few more things I'm concerned with is if a college did want me is the fact that I have absolutely no money to pay for a Graduate School loan. I'm barely making enough money to even pay for my undergrad loan.
I've researched schools with Japanese Language departments, but they all seem to want three recommendation letters, and I'm afraid my intermediate level skills aren't enough? I'm continuing to study Japanese on my own, but if you have any suggestions, I will gladly listen to them.