Hi fellow Germany hopefuls!
Nikki- the CLS is the Critical Language Scholarship through the State Department. I typically go abroad for the summer for cultural and linguistical immersion, most often to Russia.
rar8- I am a comparatist, so I work in German, Russian and philosophy. I do historical epistemology (in the German tradition), so history of intellectual ideas here in the US. At this point, I am working on the reception of German Idealism and Romanticism in 19th-century Russia. More specifically, for Germans the strain of "distinctiveness" thinking that is the nascent nationalism of these two movements is traced to Herder. Like Germany, the Russian Imperial Academy of Sciences (hence, the natural sciences) was founded with Herder's cultural, anthro-philosophical concepts, in this case it defines Russian ethnology.
My research would be tied to Humboldt specifically (proff's in ethnology, literature, philosophy), as they are trained in historical epistemology as it pertains to the German social-natural sciences. This method is not done in the US universities.
That perhaps is quite possibly the shoddiest explanation of my work yet, but you get the idea