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Everything posted by hawk054

  1. Here is my little modified SOP!!! Can you pls check and comment??? Statement of purpose Accurate knowledge of a subject is important as a basis for thorough decision-making. That is how I find one, which most suits me, which I like most and want to specialize on. Studying all subjects at the same level, knowing core ideas of all of them, allows me to compare them in the best possible way and based on thorough judgment choose the most favorable ones for me. It is an old technique following me through whole life from the very beginning of my educational way. After two years of university, I was left with superficial knowledge of subjects that I studied and few notebooks consisting of only the terms and definitions of all courses taken, except mathematics for which I am so grateful that I had a good professor for. My limited knowledge in these subjects did not satisfy me and therefore, I have bought books for a few disciplines to strengthen my knowledge. It was a late spring when my university independent-study program began and I had a long summer in front of me. One of the books was Russian edition of Economics by McConnell and Brue. I mention this book especially among the others because it had a big influence on me. It opened my mind to new doors and showed me world around me in a different perspective. As a outsider looking to study economicsthis textbook did a superb job of introducing me to the general concepts of economics, it subfields, and gave me real food for thought. Self-studying is great but it becomes even better when you can collaborate with someone and share your knowledge and thoughts. On my third university year, I began organizing group study-style classes in economics with my classmate. We began studying chapter-by-chapter and solving exercises at the back of each chapter.I also used the text's accompanying web site with additional exercises and information as another supplement to my independent study and group-study methods. This web site served as a good assessment tools that allowed me to gauge my knowledge and understanding. After completing my degree, I already knew that I want to major in economics. Therefore, I started searching for a source of practical usage of theories known. Such a source for me became internet. Most of the news and reports I find on web sites of international organizations like WTO, IMF,OECD and few others. While reading reports or journal Economist, I understand that my knowledge, especially in a field of interest of the future profession, like macroeconomics and international trade is scarce. Therefore,my knowledge should be expanded and then used in practice. Moreover, I could have learned the same in a relatively small period if I had someone to consult me and people whom I could cooperate with. In conclusion, I find MA degree the way of filling the breaches in my BA and important step towards being more competitive and equipped for my career development. Thanks in advance. sop for ISET. www.iset.ge
  2. If someone is familiar with economics degree i'm applying for ma in economics. pls pm me if u can read my SOP
  3. can someone read my sop??? if yes pls pm me
  4. in my statement of purpose for ma degree i should answer following queistion explain yr motivation to study economics and how an economics degree is related to yr carrer goals. well one thing i know is - i want to specialise in macroeconomics and want to work in governmental sector What advice you can give me to stress in my SOP? Also about university i'm entering - if in a question is not mentioned about why i chose that one and not other, should i mention about it anyway in SOP? thanks in advance
  5. Working on MA degree SOP

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