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Everything posted by rova94

  1. This is interesting because I have just been offered admission to UofT for MEng in Materials Science. My problem is that while I am interested in research I know that MEng is not focused towards giving students research experience of any kind. I wanted to know, from what you have observed at your university, is it easy to fast track from an MEng Program to an MASc? By the way, my undergraduate was in chemical engineering (4-year B.E) and this is a bit of a change of field for me.
  2. GRE: 162V 166Q 4.0AW Domestic/International (TOEFL/IELTS): International. TOEFL 115 UG GPA: 8.37 /10 (Chemical Engineering) Research experience: Nil. I do have regular experience in the form of internships at an industrial gas company and a petrochemical company. Also I'm currently working in a plastics company. Research publications, patents, conferences: 1 paper published. 1 paper submitted to journal (waiting) PhD intended specialization: Electronic/Photonic/Hybrid Materials ( Basically looking to break into Solar technology) University list: UCSB, Gatech, UIUC, Uni of Michigan Ann Arbor, Northwestern. Havent heard a single thing except one rejection from ETH Zurich. What do you think my chances are and what should I apply to as a back up university?
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