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Posts posted by abnd

  1. My outside funding through my employer required me to apply to at least three schools, which I think speaks to what a crapshoot the admissions process can be. I applied to four because I was a bit anxious about where I really stood in the candidate pool as a midcareer candidate who didn't have stellar undergrad transcripts. I felt I was reaching with two schools and a good fit for the other two—albeit that one was probably closer to a safety given more in depth research since.

    I have been accepted to the three programs I have heard back from (including my number one where I'll attend).

    I actually feel fortunate to have started this process a bit late in the season in regard to the fact that I had some schools that I was simply too late to apply to and I didn't have much time to dwell on the application components. 

  2. I am by no means an expert or even close to the most experienced person on these gradcafe forums in regards to this, but I'm instantly inclined to suggest that you ask each program (namely Yale and UCSD since those are clearly your front runners) if their alumni have gone on to work at the places you would hope to work. Request to speak to alumni of the programs. Can you afford build on the one year Econ program of Yale by interning at a career goal specific organization if necessary? Does Yale already have relationships with those organizations? Does UCSD? Will geographic location (and proximity) be a factor?

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