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Everything posted by 2014_FSU_Seminole

  1. If there any more of an amazing day to let us know, it would be tomorrow, April 1st... It would totally redefine April Fool's Day for me no matter the outcome lol
  2. I am in a similar position. My pursuit of employment has basically been "on hold" for the last few months waiting for this notification from Fulbright, so this email can't come fast enough!
  3. Haha! Thank you, @davier85! Sending you a PM now Go 'Noles!
  4. Agreed! Congratulations to those who found out today. Hopefully, everyone else's notice comes through sooner than later (a.k.a. this week ... Fingers crossed!)
  5. I couldn't agree with you more. This is hanging me up as well.
  6. Hi @PepperoniCow! Thanks for reaching out I just PMed you, so we could talk more in depth.
  7. Hello all, I am glad to have found this community of prospective 2016-2017 Fulbrighters! I am looking forward to connecting with the group and its members! I applied to the 2016-2017 Fulbright Binational Business Internship Program in Mexico. Since applying, I was moved to the semi-finalist round (notified: early January 2016), and then I had my interview during early February 2016. As of this post, I have not received any notification of acceptance/denial. Can anybody provide any insight into their experience so far with their application to a Fulbright to Mexico, and even better if you also applied to the Binational Business Program? My wholehearted best wishes to all applicants!
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