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Posts posted by demoiselle

  1. I would love to do a year at Oxford. I'm getting rather a large collection of MAs at this rate, though. I should try at some point to move on to the PhD!

    I hope UCLA works out for you. CUNY is my first choice right now for various reasons, including the core program, reputation for turning out really solid scholars, and because the department (I understand) is super-supportive rather than cut-throat. Plus, having worked in NYC for a couple years, most of my professional and personal ties are there. I have spent four years away from the city now, and really want to get back. I hope it works out for me when I apply there. Any advice?

  2. Yes, I think it depends on whether you are more focused on practice or academics.

    That said, I got an MFA in Dramaturgy (not at Yale, but at a very well respected program) two years ago, and have not found work. And the degree was VERY expensive. Now I am looking into getting a MA/PhD to expand my employment options to teaching in addition to dramaturgy (which will not be harmed by additional education at all).

    I attended Cornell for undergraduate and earned a BA in Theatre Arts there. I like that department very much. High production values, a caring faculty (though there has been change) and staff. Ithaca has two very good theatres (Hangar and the Kitchen) which offer production opportunities, and Cornell has a good student theatre culture. I love that institution, and liked it more than the other Ivy League institution where I studied for my non-Yale MFA. The department tended towards the careful and conservative, production-wise, when I was there. However, new faculty members might be helping. Additionally, student action which started at my time actually had strong impact on the seasons the department planned.

    I wouldn't trade my time at Cornell for anything, and if I hadn't gotten my BA there, I'd be looking there for my PhD. As it is, I'm stuck in NYC for a few years at least, and will have to apply to programs there.

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