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Posts posted by NicolasM

  1. 3 hours ago, Lolothefirecat said:

    Still working on a decision. Thinking about  flying to Geneva for the open house though haha and my partner emailed the embassy to see about getting a visa.

    So far I've contacted all three schools to see if I can get more funding, but I won't really find out about that until after the deadline. 

    I think I might be leaning towards Georgetown vs Geneva unless I hear something soon about funding from Denver. 

    I just have so many unknowns and these are all programs that I think I would be really happy with. :/ 

    Have you visited Geneva? 

    Hi there! I can't answer your question about which program would be the best for you, however if you have some specific questions about Geneva, I might help you, since I've lived (and studied) in Geneva for three years :)

    Btw, I'm also accepted for the International Relations/Political Science program at the IHEID, so we'll be classmates if you decide to accept their offer :D

  2. 15 hours ago, Lolothefirecat said:

    Hi everyone! I just got admitted to the Political Science/IR MA program and I have a couple questions that I'd love some help with:)

    First: Does anyone know how difficult it would be for my fiancé to move to Geneva with me? He is a teacher (basically all subjects up to high school level) and has U.S. citizenship. 

    Second: We have two large dogs...how impossible will it be to find housing? And do you have any recommendations for areas that would be best to live in considering this? Leaving them in the United States isn't an option, so I figure I better get to work finding accommodation!

    Lastly, not sure if this is the place for it, but I wouldn't mind having roommates! Just have to like dogs and be relatively laid back and we'd get along great! 


    Hi there! First of all congratulation to all of you! I have followed this thread for some time now and I firmly intended to join the discussion in case I got admitted, so here I am now :)

    @Lolothefirecat: Nice to e-meet someone who is also going to be in the International Relations/Political Science programme! I hope some more will join the discussion so that we already now each other a little bit before we start the semester :P

    I think finding housing with two large dogs (what breeds are they? I love dogs :P ) might be difficult in Geneva (I already did my undergraduate studies in Geneva and had trouble finding a studio for myself). As suggested by Grad888, finding housing in the border area in France might be the best solution for you.

    I think the biggest hurdle to overcome for your fiancé will be to find an appropriate job, since requirements for non-EU-citizens wishing to work in Switzerland have become stricter with the free movement of workers between Switzerland and the EU. I can't really give you tips in this regard, unfortunately, since I do not know enough about the subject.

    However, I'm sure you and your fiancé will find a way ;)

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