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Posts posted by Rk29

  1. I asked my professor in person to write me a lor back in December and she agreed. Since then I have talked to her on the phone and talked to her about my goals for grad school etc. The application deadline was march 1st and she did not submit a lor even though I sent multiple emails and voicemails. Later I was told my the admissions office that I have till march 31st to submit lors and I was finally able to get into touch with my professor and went to go meet her in person two weeks ago. She once again was very enthusiastic and told me to also apply to some scholarships but did not mention at all how she did not respond to my emails etc. She told me she would finish it within the next week. Now I have one week till lors are due and she again is not responding to my email. I have also sent her a reminder through the application website. Any tips on what to do now? I don't want to be annoying and contact her again, but at the same time ??????????

    I've been told to go find another professor, but it's just not possible or polite to ask someone one week before. I'm not sure what to do.

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